Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/354

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288 FlFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 985. 1902. sary circulars, weather maps, bulletins, and monthly weather reviews (includin the hire of rmters, lithographers, an other necessary “"'“P°"‘“°"· °‘°· working force); for traveling expenses; for freight and express charges; I¤¤'¤¤¤¤¤, “c¤· *°'¤· for instruments and shelters therefor; for telegraphing or telephoning ’reports and messages, the rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Agri- K°¤*¤· cu ture by a eement with the companies performing the services; for rents and othhr incidental expenses of offices maintained as stations of c::{_*$‘°§·e*ff,§·§,€g¥;,”,{· observation; for maintenance and repair of seacoast telegraph lines; mmsigmium. 'for experiments in wireless telegraphy, including all necessary exnses; for river observations and reports; for storm and other signals; °°*°°”· °°“*· '”°•* fdr cotton—region observations and reports; for corn and wheat obsericgtiiircrcns. cw. vations and re rts; for aerial observations and reports; for supplies for climate ando crop services, and for investigations on climatology, including assistance and all necessary expenses, four hundred and eighty-six thousand dollars. ,,,,‘{§“‘°“‘“°° °‘ “"“‘ Ior maintaining the Weather Bureau stations already established by the Secretary of Agriculture, or to be established by the Secretary of A riculture, in Bermuda, in the West Indies, or on adjacent coasts, and for establishing and equipping meteorological stations in the Hawaiian Islands, and, if practicable and useful, in the Aleutian Islands; _ for taking daily observations of meteorological phenomena; for c0l~ ““"‘°“‘°‘· °'°· lecting reports thereof by cable and otherwise; for disseminatin information based thereon of the approach of tropical hurricanes and other storms; and for collecting and publishing such climatological “"“““ data as may be of public benefit, including salaries of one professor of meteorology, at not exceeding three thousand dollars; one forecast official, at not exceeding two thousand dollars; section directors, observers. and other necessary employees Jail for duty at the places named in this Act or at such points in the nited States as the exigen— “°"*·°'°· cies of the weather service may require); rent ot offices, stationery, furniture, and instrumental supplies; traveling expenses; freight and express charges; cablegrams and telegrams; and all other necessary ex nses, sixty thousand dollars. 0*¤¤¤*¤¤>¤<=¤· Fm the urchase of sites and erection of not less than six buildings for use as Weather Bureau observatories, and for all necessary labor, P¤¤¤¤- materials, and expenses; plans and specifications to be prepared, and approved by the Secretary of `Argriculture, and work done under the Equipment supervision of the Chief of the eather Bureau, including the purchase of instruments, furniture, supplies, fiagstaifs, and storm warning towers, to properly equip these stations, fifty thousand dollars. Hcublu nm! land For the purchase and construction of cables and land lines to connect "°”‘ the F arallone Islands, California, with the mainland, and Womans Key, or Sand Key, F loridn, with Key West. Florida, forty thousand dollars, P~»v¤~»- including labor and all necessary material and supplies: P:-m,·ided, Wimlwlvlemphr. That in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture wireless communications may be installed in place of cables, in which case and for which dpurpose not more than five thousand dollars of this sum shall be expen ed. otal for Weather Bureau, one million two hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. ,,,§",§‘,s'*fQ; °' *"""" BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. S¤¤¤rie¤- Sanaiuns, Bumzan or Arma:. 1NDUs·rnY: One Chief of Bureau, four thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, two thousand five hundred dollars; one chief clerk of Bureau, two thousand dollars; one chief of inspection division. two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of inspection division. one thousand eight hundred dollars; one chief of dairy division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of dairy division. one thousand eight hundred dollars: one chief