Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/367

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F IFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Snss I. Ch. 985. 1902. 301 one clerk (who shall be a translator), one thousand two hundred dollars; one cataloguer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two cataloguers, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; two clerks, eight hundred and forty dollars each, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars: in all, ten thousand dollars. GENERAL EXPENSES Fon DEPARTMENT Lrnnanr: Purchase of tech- G°"""“‘°"‘”"“· nical books of reference, technical papers, and technical periodicals necessary for the work of the Department, and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, for binding periodicals, and for library gxfures, shelving, library cards, and other material, eight thousand o lars. d Total, for library, Department of Agriculture, eighteen thousand ollars. ` MUSEUM: One care taker, one thousand dollars; for labor in cleaning M“s°“m· and carin for building, one charwoman, at five hundred and forty dollars; three charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, two thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. ` CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or Aearourxrorznz Purchase "°°“¤¤°°'°¤P€¤¤°*~ of stationery,blank books, twine, paper, gum, dry goods, soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, fuel, water and gas pipes, heating apparatus, furniture, carpets, matting; for lights, freight, express c arges, advertising, telegraphing, washing towels, and necessary repairs and improvements to buildings and heatin apparatus; for the employment of one carpenter, at one thousand dodlars, and for the employment of one painter, at nine hundred dollars; the purchase, subsistence, and care of horses, for official purposes only; the purchase and repair of harness; the purchase and repair of vehicles, for ofhcial purposes only; payment of duties on imported articles, and the Department of Agriculture’s proportionate share of the dispatch agent in New York, not to exceed four hundred dollars; actual traveling expenses while on business of the Department; and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise Brovided for, and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the epartrnent, including not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars for postage, thirty-seven thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. M*·¤¤“·¤*··¤·· Aomcmrrrmar EXPERIMENT sTATroNs: To carry into eifect the pro- m,;*g{f,g{g;l°¤P°’*· visions of an Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and eig ty- vm. 24, p. uc. seven, entitled "An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges establis ed in the several States under the provisions of an Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and VOL 12- P- 5**3 sixty-two, and of the Acts supplementary thereto, ’ and to enforce the execution thereof, seven hun red and ninety-six thousand dollars; thirty-seven thousand dollars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Secretary of Agriculture to enable him to carry out the (provisions of section three of said Act of March second, eighteen hun red V°1~2*· P· ·“1· and eighty-seven, and fifteen thousand dollars of which sum may be expended by the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report to Congress upon the agricultural resources and capabilities of Alaska, *1***- and to establish and maintain agricultural experiment stations in said Territory, including the erection of buildings and all other expenses essential to the maintenance of such stations; and the Secretary of _ _ Agriculture shall prescribe the form of the annual financial statement mg‘,'Q““°‘“l “"°"' re uired by section three of said Act of March second, eighteen hundred V<>¤· 24. r>- 441- and eighty-seven; shall ascertain whether the expenditures under the ¤¤¤><¤¤¤i¢¤¤‘¢·¤- appropriation hereby made are in accordance with the dprovisions of said Act, and shall make report thereon to Congress; an the Secretary of