Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/371

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FIl1`I`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 1030, 1032, 1033. 1902. 305 said board of supervisors shall levy and cause to be collected, as other county taxes are levied and collected, a sufficient tax on the assessable '*`¤°°· property in said county as will meet the interest as it falls due and provide a reasonable sinking fund to pa said bonds when due. Sec. 4. That said bondsshall beprintedy with interestcouponsattached C°“l’°°°· thereto; each coupon shall represent one year’s interest on the bond, and when the interest represented in a cou n is paid the cou n shall be detached from the bond and placed by th; treasurer with other vouchers before the board of supervisors. Approved, June 5, 1902. CHAP. 1032.-An Act Extending the time for the commencement and eomple- -l¤¤¤ 6» 1902 tion of the bridge across the Missouri River at or near Oacoma, South Dakota. Be it enacted by the Senate and House §fRepresentatv}ves of the United States of.Ameriea in Congress assemble , That the time for the com- %¤¤¤¤¤¤'¤é¤gg$Ch, mencement of the bridge across the Missouri River at or near the vil- mgomgigdx limiiuuii la of Oacoma, in the State of South Dakota, authorized b the Act P“§$’°}§}‘“‘[,°g,'},‘},f’,‘,}L’{j ofgc Congress entitled "An Act to authorize the construction ob a brid e gs) laridse. 0¤¤¤r¤¤. at or near Oacoma, South Dakota," approved January twenty-eighth° ' eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is hereby, extended to Jul first, nineteen hundred and three, and the time for the 31`·’¤1,g· P- 806: V<>l· completion 0; said bridepe be, and the same is hereby, extended to ’p` ` ’ July tirst, nineteen hun red and six. Approved, June 6, 1902. CHAP. 1083.-An Act Making appropriations for fortifications and other works ·l“¤° 6· 1902- of defense, for the armament thereof, or the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial [Public, N0_ N5_] and service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR¥n·esentati#ves of tbe Matted States of America in Omyress assembled, That the sums of money P,*Q{,‘,§§§f"°“*°P"° herein provided for be, an the same are hereby, appropriated, out of an moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be available until expended, namely: Fonrrmoynous AND ozmma WORKS or DEFENSE. For construction of gun batteries, two million dollars. G¤¤ b¤*°¤¤*¤¤· For installation of range and position finders, three hundred and “**“¢°**“°°”~ twenty-five thousand dollars. For purchase and installation of search lights for the defenses of our S°"°'* "¤"”· most important harbors, one hundred and fty thousand dollars. _ For the procurement of land, or right pertaining thereto, needed for Smthe site, location, construction, or prosecution of works for fortifications and coast defenses, two hundred thousand dollars. _ To enable the Secretary of lVar, in his discretion, and if in his judg- Mg“S*“”8’$ *5****** ment it will be for the best interests of the Government, to purchase iPurch¤se of barrel-y all land on Cushing’s Island, Portland Harbor, Maine, necessary to be E ,,_ mr used to erect additional batteries and for buildings for the troops, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may _ be necessary: Provided, That no part of this sum shall be expended until a valid title to said land and property shall have been acquired by the United States. _ _ _ _ me . For the protection, preservation, and repair_ of fortifications for ""‘“°“* °‘°· which there may be no special appropriation available, three hundred thousand dollars. VOL xxxn, PT 1--2tl