Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/393

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 1036, 1037. 1902. 327 of Pennsylvania avenue and Madison place (Fifteen and one—half street northwest) and pay for the same out of said appropriation. Sec. 24. That all buildings authorized to be constructed, enlar ed, p,$,’§,‘§,,*Q§’,“°°§‘0{°’ Eli or extended under the provisions of this Act shall be unexposed to b¤ildi¤gS· danger from nre by an open s ace·of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys: grovided, That in exceptional cases and {,*;*;*;,***;,0n for good cause shown the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his dis- p s` cretion, reduce the open space to less than forty feet and to any dimensions which he shall deem sufficient to afford fire protection. hSEX. 25. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal Am€¤'lm°¤*· t is ct. - Sec. 26. That all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith are eg;>g§i°“¤€ NWN6- hereby repealed. P ` Approved, June 6, 1902. CHAP. 1037.-An Act For the protection of game in Alaska, and for other J““° 7» 190*- P‘¤'P0¤€¤· [Pubns, No. 147.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That from and after the pas- f§f§$},‘§gi0,, of gm, sage of this Act the wanton destruction of wild game animals or wild i¤- birds, the destruction of nests and eggs of such birds, or the killing of any wild birds other than a game bird, or wild game animal, forthe purposes of shipment from Alaska is hereby pro ibited. The term "G¤¤** ¤¤i¤¤¤l¤" " game animals " shall include deer, moose, caribou, sheep, mountain goats, bears, sea lions, and walrus. The term " game bir s" shall in- "G¤¤*° him-" _ clude water fowl, commonly known as ducks, geese, brant, and swans; shore birds, commonly known as plover, snipe, and curlew, and the _ several species of grouse and ptarmigan. Nothing in this Act shall ,,,Q‘“$§S;$f§§§f,_'2l2YQ effect any law now in force in Alaska relating to the fur seal, sea otter, “°*‘*‘*"°“**’· or any fur-bearing animal other than bears and sea lions, or prevent ,O(§*;§§‘l$“?;d€°m° *°’ the killing of any game animal or bird for food or clothing by native ` Indians or Eskimo or by miners, explorers, or travelers on a journe Y _ _ when in need of food; but the game animals or birds so killed shall hE,l’{.l°.£'”g’ °°°" Y'") not be shi d or sold. Sec. 2. mt it shall be unlawful for any person in Alaska to kill any Op"` "°m° °°”°"S' wild game animals or wild birds except during the seasons hereinafter provided: Inrge brown bears, from April fifteenth to June thirtietb, both inclusive; moose, caribou, walrus, and sea lions, from September first to October thirty-first, both inclusive; deer, sheep, and mountain goats, from September first to December nfteenth, both inclusive; grouse, ptarmigan, shore birds, and water fowl, from September first _ to December fifteenth, both inclusive: Prwvided, That the Secretary of @,Q,“,‘§;, of Am, Agriculture is hereby authorized whenever he shall deem it necessary gglggfgtcw P*<>¤¢¤b¤ for the reservation of game animals or birds to make and publis ’ ' rules and) regulations which shall modify the close seasons hereinbefore established, or provide different close seasons for different parts of · Alaska, or lace further restrictions and limitations on the killin of such animals or birds in any given locality, or to prohibit kilhng entirely for a period not exceeding five years in such locality. I _ _ Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to kill K‘“‘”€“'”“°‘*· any females or yearlings of moose, caribou, eer, or sheep, or for any one person to kill in any one year more than the number specified of each of the following game animals: Two moose, Walrus, or sea lions; four caribou, sheep, goats, or large brown bears; eight deer; or to kill or have in possession in any one day more than ten grouse or ptarmigan, or twenty-five shore birds or waterfowl. That it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to hunt with mgg*“*¤¤ *°¤"i°· hounds, to use a shotgun larger than number ten gauge, or any gun `