Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/426

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360 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 1079. 1902. dred and thirty-six, Fift -seventh Congress. iirst session, one hundred mm thousand dollars: Pravidgd, That acontract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and wor as may be necessary to eqmplete the said logk anadi dgmi to be paid for asiappapriations ma rom time to time e m e aw, not to excee in e . gggregagv niine hundred apld fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount erein a pro riate . m¤v•n>1e1»m1n>.s. Im rovin Oliio River: Continuing improvement at movable Dam Numbered Night in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and twenty-two, Fiftydifth Con- Survey, em. ress, third session, to be used for the surve , acquisition of site ger lock and dam, and construction of lock, tiltty thousand dollars: mm. Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the °°""‘°°"‘ Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the lock for said dam, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred ang fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriate . xovmenamnaiit pl)m Iiovin Ohio River: Continuing improvement at movable Dam llggpihered Elem; indagoretrncs wgth tlhe report subrpittedain House ument um re ne un re an twenty-two, ift - fth Congresp, Lhirdd sgssion, tp be used for tpq snirveéyi aqquisiiiiotp (pf site or oc an am, an construction o oc , y thousand ollars: A-mm. Hwided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the °°"°°°°°‘ Secrefatriytplf Ya; ger such medalxnd vgogk as may be necessary to com e e oc or said , to i or as appropriations ma from) time to time be made by law, not?) exceed in Ithe dggregate twh hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriate . M¢m¤1¤D¤m¤c·1¤. plinplioving Ohio River between Marietta and the mouth of the Big Miami River, at Movable Dam Numbered Nineteen, in accordance with the re rt submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and thi)rty-six, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session, to be used for the survey, acquisition of site for dam, and construction of dam, twenty-five thousand dollars. mf;_jQg:ag2gj’¤¤t*¤¤¤ The Secretary of War is_authorizcd and directed to dprepare a list

 mm of éhe bridgestupon th? Ohio fltplger which arei an unpefinilent tpl safe

‘ an convemen naviga ion, an e na ure an extent 0 the mo iiications required in each of them, and report the same to Congress, together with information as to whether necessary changes in said bridges, or any of them, can be secured under existing law, and, if not, what legislation is necessary in order to secure proper changes or modifications in said_ bridges, reslpectively, and an estimate of the cost g•;{Q?hb¤¤w_ thereof on each bridge: Prov-` ed. That the Attorney—General is authorized and directed to furnish, upon the request of the Secretary of lVar, an opinion upon the question whether the owners of these blpidges, or any of them, cziln be required, under existing laws, to make t e necessary changes at their own e. use. and, if further le `slatnon is required, whether by such legislahgh the owners of such diridges, or Dainty or either oi them, can be requires; tg make such changes and m i cations at their own ex ense or w et er such chan es or modifications, or any or either ofpthem. must be borne bygthe United Spates, vgpch opinion shall accompany the report of the Secretary of ar o n ess. (,,{{}Q“"‘“"""‘ R“'°'· thImprc;f*ir£$lpskg1g¤é1ré giver, Ohio: Continuing improvement, ten ousan ree un re dollars. n-.iiiih’ii¤§His.D°` Improving Detroit River, from Detroit to Lake Erie, in accordance — with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and twelve, Fiftysixth Conigress, first session, and desi nated as "Plan A," five hundred thousan dollars, of which amount the Secre~