Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/441

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1079. 1902. 375 and he is also authorized to prescribe regulations to govern the Speed m§P°°“· °*°·· °‘ "°s‘ and movement of vessels and other water craft in any public navigable" channel which has been improved under authority of Congress, whenever, in his judgment, such regulations are necessary to protect such improved channels from injury, or to prevent interference with the operations of the United States in improving navigable waters or injury to any plant that may be employed in such operations. Such rules P°“‘“¥ °*'“’°’· and regulations shall be posted, in conspicuous and appropriate places, for the information of the public; and every person and every corpo— m§gE*¤¤m°¤* *°"*‘* ration which shall violate such rules and regulations shall he deemed ' guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof in any district court of the United States within whose territorial jurisdiction such offense may have been committed, shall be punished by a iine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment (in the case of a natural person) not exceeding six months, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 12. That the last ra h of section twent of the river and H“""°""”°*- °‘°· harbor Act of March thirdiaelgliteiin hundred and nindtymine, is hereby ¤¤i<3i?1ei1(i' p` 1m' amended to read as follows: "That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the foregoing sec- R°P°“l· tions nine to twenty, inclusive, of this Act are hereby repealed: Pm- *°"W“°· vided, That no action be un or right of action accrued prior to the ce:§',‘j,‘Q “°"°““ °" passage of this Act shall%>e affected b this repeal: Pr0vzdecl_furthe¢·, hat nothing contained in the said fbregoing sections shall be con- .u{4*;sP¥?,*;ibi¤§j¤s8i£; strued as re aling., modifying, or in any manner affectin the provi- i~:ei?r¤rx£g¤»¤m sions of an Abt of Con ress approved June twenty-nin51, eighteen "*§’§{f"§g'p_,,,_ hundred and eighty-eiggt, entitled ‘An Act to prevent obstructive and injurious deposits within the l]8.1'bOl‘ and adjacent waters of New York City, by dumping or otherwise, and to punish and prevent such oiIenses,’ as amended b * section three of the river and harbor Act of V°l· 2** P- wl- August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four." _ Sec. 13. That there shall be printed three thousand copies of the r,@,‘r:'f,m§°},';*;,§§m fg laws of the United States relating to the improvement of rivers and be pri¤£d.i harbors passed until and including the laws of the first session of the Dm °° °°' F ifty-seventh Congress, of which six hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, fourteen hundred for the use of the House,and one thousand copies for the use of the War Department. Said compilation shall be rinted under the direction of the Secretary of War. There shall) also be rinted one thousand copies of an index to the 0,*Q‘Q;§l’{§0{’Q,,fg§*‘§ reports of the Chief of) Engineers, United States Army, from eighteen !1¤si¤+=¤r¤» hundred and sixty-six to nineteen hundred, inclusive. The Secretary vfy‘,Q"",§’,l},’;f,f_,‘};' ‘fp;“¤§j of War is also authorized and directed to cause to be made and trans- pr¤¤€i¤¤¤, ew.' mitted to the F ifty-seventh Con ress at its second session a compilation of preliminary examinations and surveys heretofore made. Also of all projects now under construction or maintenance, and the total amounts a propriated heretofore for the improvement and the maintenance of th)e rivers and harbors, and the amounts for each specilic project, the said compilation to be similar in form and subject-matter to that which was pre red in accordance with section six of the river and harbor _ Act of Jpdine third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and said compila- ‘°'·”· P- ’*- tion shall include all information available on the sub'ects enumerated on the thirticth of June, nineteen hundred and two. The Secretary of mf§§‘g’{‘,}}`j“Q§,3;n Q; VVar is authorized and directed to ascertain, so far as practicable, and vrjjnnerparga, gg report to Congress, all cases in which improvements on navigable waters mfliiwm. y of the United States have been or are being undertaken by municipalities, private corporations, or individuals, either alone or in conjpnction with the Government, and information shall be furnished in suc report relating to all cases of improvement of harbors and rivers by the United States in connection with which, the work of improvement, under approved projects, has included or will include inner harbors, or por-