Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/447

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F IFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1079. 1902. 38] NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina. Lockwoods Folly River. Livingston Creek. Indian Island Slough, from Pamlico River to mouth of South River, with a view of obtaining a depth of seven, eight, and nine feet, respectively, and one hundred feet wide, or as wide as may be necessary. Carrot Island Slou h, beginning at a point opposite Middle Marshes, and thence through Carrot Island Slough and Lewis Thoroughfare to the main channel in New rt River, wrth a view of obtaining a navigable depth of seven, eighti nine, and ten feet at mean low water. VVaterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, with a view to the construction of a channel not less than sixteen feet in depth, upon the most advantageous route between the points named: Provided, That the examination and survey shall be made by a board of en ineer officers detailed by the Secretary of War, and any report made 51all include the probable cost of any private waterway that it may be to the interest of the United States to ac uire in connection with the proposed improvement: Provided furtzer, That the total expense of the examination and of any survey which may be · made shall not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars. Neuse River, from Goldsboro to Newbern, with a view to securing a depth of three feet. New River. Perquimans River, at and near Hertford. 0H1g_ Ohio. Muskingum River from Zanesville to Coshocton, with a view to obtaining a navigable depth of six feet. Huron Harbor, with a view to securing a channel with a depth of twenty feet. Sandusky River from its mouth to Fremont. Portage River to the Oak Harbor Bridge. Rocky River Harbor. Vermillion Harbor. OREGON. 0¤€S¤¤· Yamhill River, with a view to prolonging the period of navigation. Canal and locks at Willamette Falls, \Villamette River, Oregon: The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain, through a board of engineers or otherwise, and re ort to the House, whether'either the acquisition of the present canai) and locks at Wil— lamette Falls, Oregon, or a construction of new canal and locks by the United States Government and their operation for the exclusive benefit of the navigation of said river, would, by withdrawing the waters of the Willamette River from the channels in which they have been accustomed to iiow or otherwise, injure in amaterial manner the operations of the manufacturing enterprises now in operation or contemplated at the falls of the Willamette River. Also to ascertain, through the Department of Justice or otherwise, and report to Congress, whether the Portland General Electric Light Companv, of Oregon, by virtue of its ownership of certain real property at Wiillamette Falls, in the Willamette River, Oregon, has a legal. valid. and existing right and title, as against the United States, for the full, free, and continued use of the waters of the WVillamette River for the use of the manufacturing enterprises now located on their property, whether such water is needed for navigation or not, and if so, what method would be necessary on the part of the United States Government to acquire title to such water for the purpose of navigation, and the measure of damages it must pay to such company.