Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/456

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390 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1093, 1121. 1902. the Interior is hereby authorized to acquire the same for the United States by purchase or by condemnation under judicial process, and to pay from the reclamation fund the sums which may be needed for that pyurpose, and it shall be the duty. of the Attorney-General of the mted States upon every application of the Secretary of the Interior, under this Act, to cause proceedings to be commenced for condemnation within thirty days from the receipt of the application at the Department of Justice. I¤‘i8¤¤<>¤ 1¤w¤.<>f Sec. 8. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting or States and Territories . . . . uomsrecmu. intended to affect or to in any way interfere with thelaws of any State or Territory relating to the control, appropriation, use, or distribution of water used in irrigation, or any vested right acquired thereunder, alpd the Seqlretary of the Interior, in carrying out the provisions of rmmms streams. t is Act s all proceed in conformity with such laws and nothing herein sliall in any way affect any right of any State or ’of the Federal .Pr _ Government or of any landowner, appropriator, or user of water in, Bug{_}"g},M_ or lfromhany rlnterstatcé stream or th; waiters thereof: Promded, at the rig t to the use 0 water acquire un er the provisions of this _ Act shall be appurtenant to the land irrigated and beneficial use shall E an f be the basis, the measure, and the limit of thelright. ‘P°“ ‘"° ° Sec. 9. That it is herebv declared to be the duty of the Secretary of mma. - , the lnterior in carrying out the provisions of this Act, so far as the _ same may be practicable and subject to the existence of feasible irrigation pro]ects, to expend the ma]or portion of the funds arisin from the sale of public lands within each State and Territory hereingbefore _ namled for the benefit of gid and semiarid lands within the limits of · _ suc State or Territory: cwéded That the Secreta mav temporarily Temporary lm use such portion of said funds for: the benefit of arixdyor semiarid lands in any dparticular State or Territory hereinbefore named as he may deem a visable but when so used the excess shall be restored to the _ fund as soon xfs practicable, to the end that ultimately, and in any cu*fg¤*‘¤¤**°¤°*b¤¤·_ event, within eac ten-year period after the passage of this Act, the expepdipiures fo} the beqetit of the said States and Territories shall be equa ize accor ing to the proportions and subject to the conditions as to practicability and feasibility aforesaid. R°““l‘"l°“· em Sec. 10. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perform any and all acts and to make such rules and regjulations as may 30.l1(1(?:Shl?' apidlpropcr fqr tpe purpose of carrying the provisions of ns c in o ul orce an c cc . Approved. June 1T. 1902. J“"°{8*]°°2· CHAP. 1121.--A A·t T z tl., th N .h·`ll Tl C » - [puma-, xs, mg,] struct a bridge at-ross fheL(‘uni)hdiiluiidlffis·er€i¤1 lihvidsdn (Tciilnriii, T§riT;sIl·l»,tO con Cumberland mm' S Be iz ppm-ted {{28 Sivtvrfe cmd [F)??? <:f!?*’l/7’686”t€{U’”¢’·° 2f Me U~?¢¢d Na_;h`;j|]€ Terminal mates nj Amerme m _(,ong,n·t».<» cwsenzzied, Phat the l\ashville Terminal f{*g_95S”;?,{{j=“>'b”d8°· Company, a corporation created and organized under the laws of the l State of Tennessee. be. and is hereby. authorized to construct and maintain, for the passage of `railway trains, a bridge, and approaches thereto ` .• . , _ 7 over the Cumberland River at any point in the county of Davidson in said State within five miles above or within five miles below the corporate limits of the city of Nashville, in said county, which said company may deem most advantageous. and which may be approved by the Secretary of War. 8pij>;;?;¤;m;,Q,*;f *0 Sec. 2. That said bridge shall located and built undersuch regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said company shall submit to the Secretary of Vilar for his examination and approval a design and drawing of the bridge. and a map of the location, giving for such