Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/458

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392 FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 1122, 1123, 1135. 1902. mI&°P‘gs{‘};u,§j*'“°*”° Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be a lawful structure, and shall be ` recognized and known as a post route, and shall enjoy the rights and priv egcs of other post roads in the United States; and no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States than the rate er . . . . . P m1le paid for the transportation over the railroad or railroads leadmg _·re1esr¤1>1•. em., to said brid . Equ privileges in the use of said bridge shall be rights. ge . . granted to al telegraph companies, and the United States shall have e right of way across said bridge and 1ts approaches for postalchances telegraph pu ses, and all changes in said bridge required y the Secretaryfofhwair at any time, or its entire remoyiall; schall be at the e DSG 0 the co ration ownin or 0 eratin said ri ge. mTf"‘° °f °°"“"“"‘ XSL:. 3. That thIig0Act shall be iiiill and void actual construction of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within two years and completed within four years from the date of approval thereof. . ·*"‘°“‘*“‘°“’· Sec. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, June 18, 1902. J“¤° W 1902 CHAP. 1128.-An Act Allothe construction of a dam across the Saint u>¤t1sc,N¤. 164.] I-¤W1'¤¤¢¤ River- wmg P¤>¤¤¤*>!¤· Whereas it is represented that the government of the Dominion of Canada, with a view of improving the navigation of the channel excavated throughrthe rapids at the head of Les Galops Island, in the Saint Lawrence River, proposes to construct a dam from Adams Island, in Cappldian terillitory, to l;e;Glalops Iselrnlnél, in Uniteld States territory? shud ereas the consen o the nit tates to the construction o t at Ed 0; the work which will be upon United States territory is desired: ere ore Be it enbcted by the Semrte and H0?l86§fR@7’6867l¢d¢?>068 of the C/hated m§!:r¤* I·•"*°¤°° States ofzlmerica in Umagresa assemble ·, That consent is hereby given Canbdian gcvem- for the construction of the portion of the aforesaid dam which crosses €f;'{,{,L"f5$.{‘*'"‘“” or abuts upon the territory of the United States: Prewéded, That the mgh N ter type of the proposed dam and the plans of construction and operation ieveicsiakeomanc, thereof sha] be such as will not, in the judgment of the Secretary of °‘°· War, materially affect the water level of ake Ontario or the Saint Lawrence River or cause any other injury to the interests of the United _ S¤¤*yg;Lgf·`V;;* *0 States or any citizen thereof: And provided_ further, That the work of pmconstruction on United States territory shall not be commenced until plants arg; details offtlpg work shall have been submitted to and approved by the cretary o 'ar. Approved, June 18, 1902. ·l¤¤° 1°· 1*% CHAP. 1 135.-An Act To amendan Act to rohibit the passage of s ial or l mfrn-himsonilsajy laws in the Territories, to limit the Territorial hidebtedness, and for odhet-fr p£ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR?T€8€HtdbiU€8 of the United t0Qy*‘¤h°*¤¤ T¤¤’i· States of Ame1~ica in Cbngresa assembled, That the Act of Congress Imuance or scncci approved July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six. entitled "°{}§f‘“§£°"ff°‘ ,7,, "An Act to prohibit the passage of local or special laws in the Terri- •m°¤d°d· tories of the United States, to limit T€1’1'llD1'l8l indebtedness and for other purposes," is hereby amended so as to authorize the issuance of bonds by school districts in Oklahoma Territory having a bona fide population of not less than five thousand persons for erecting necessary school buildings and purchasing the ground for the same. The limitations of said Act of July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty··