Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/484

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418 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1300. 1902. For wash basins to be fitted up in the squad room and acting steward’s room, fifty dollars; For enlarging water mains and laying new ones, putting in new fire hydrants, eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-five dollars; For construction of inlet tower at Lusk reservoir, to remain available until expended, five thousand five hundred dollars; wmmmu. For waterworks: Renewal of material in filter beds; im roving ventilation of filter house and water house; hose for use in cleaning filter beds and water house, and for use in fire service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers and for repairs of si_phon house, filter house, and of four and one-half miles of suppl pipe; for shed for tools and storage of fuel for keeper of Round Pong and for tool house at filter; for u es and for stairs for access to same, and all other necessary woigof maintenance and repairs, one thousand two hundred dollars; 1·¤•¤=¤¤¤¤¤**· Necessary improvements to the water-suppl system: To ·ade and remove vegetab e growth and pro rly drain the vicinity of husk reservoir for constructing roadway aldnf the east side of reservoir and gvgguty M_ fence road around it, ten thousand ollars: Provided, That from the ` foregoing appropriations for waterworks, or from any appropriation that may hereafter be made for waterworks, a sum not to exceed seventy-five cents per day may paid as extra-duty pay to the overseer, when such overseer is a soldier detailed for that dut ; For three small barges for use in the instruction og cadets in rowing, three hundred dollars; _ cum nwspim. Repairs and additions to the cadet hospital, as follows: For repainting walls and woodwork o halls, wards, lavatorics, and re 'nting generally, five hundred dollars; Er material for rebronzing radiators and piping, thirty dollars; d For paraffin and turpentine for waxing and polishing floors, fifty ollars; For plumbing material and labor to install hot-water heater and hotwater storage boiler, and two sets of stationary marble washbowls for the bathrooms and lavatories at cadet hospital, four hundred and eighty-two dollars; or urchase of flowers and shrubs for hospital grounds, seventy- tive dollars; For purchase of suitable incandescent lights, droplights, mantles, tubes, and so forth, forty dollars; Wire screens for cadet hospital windows and for hospital steward’s quarters, ninety-tive dollars; _ _ · _ · Increasing the water-closet and urmal facilities m the cadet camp and supplying facilities for shower baths, to be immediately available, se§n thousancdgtiveblgundrlpd dollars; epairs to et rrac s: For repairing and renewing plasteringypainting, and calcimining, repairs to woo work, retlooring, rearrangin rooms, increasing sinks, batlis, and for other incidental repairs to the building, ten thousand dollars; $“°P* Purchase of one forty-horse electric motor, complete, for running ` machinery in quartermaster shops, seven hundred and fifty dollars; h Rgtugiggusix boilers in steam-heating plant, two thousand one un re dollars; Purchase of two standard pipe-threading machines, each equip ed with direct—connected electric motors wired for five hundred volts, . complete—one to thread and cut pipe from one to six inches in diameter, the other as above for ipe from four to twelve inches in diamcter——three thousand five hundred dollars; °°*"“°'°’F· Maintaining and improving the grounds of the post cemeterv, one thousand dollars; '