Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/513

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 1301. 1902. 447 request of said exposition company, and upon said com n filin with the Secretary of the Treasury a bond in a sum sufficrigntr to piotect the Government and satisfy him as to the future performance of all the conditions under which said five million dollars so appro riated is to be paid to the said exposition company: And prwzdeffurtkr, That the proviso of section twenty-one of said Act, approved March u_3£)¢$fig:n<{ *>¤*¤¤¤ third, nineteen hundred and one, be amended so as to read as follows: ` ‘Prm,·éded, That the branch office authorized hereby, if the same shall V0]- 31» P- 1*** - be a branch of a national bank, shall not be operated for a period longer than three years, beginning not earlier than July lirst, nineteen hundred and two, and closilui not later than July first, nineteen hundred and five:’ And prov` d further, That the Secretary of the S*·*¤*Y°*¤°°*°°¤*¥· Louisiana Purchase E sition Commission shall hereafter receive a sallary of four thousan)dpdollars." f I 1 I » I Arma AND s·rnn>s: For r or interna -revenue stam s, inc ud- s ¤*°*‘¤* ·*'°"°¤“° ingifreight, fifty thousand P map mw' mb . UNISHMENT ron VIOLATIONS or 1N•rmnN.u.·1aEvENun LAWS! For ,,_f,gg}gj*,L;gnY;g}:; detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of vio- me laws. — lating the intemal-revenue laws or conniving at the same, including payments for information and detection of such violations, one hun; red thousand dollars; and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall make a detailed statement to Congress once in each year as to how he has expended this sum, and also a detailed statement of all miscellaneous expenditures in the Bureau of Internal Revenue for which appropriation is made in this Act: Hwided, That necessary 0, mm. books o reference and periodicals for the chemical laboratory and law em. library, at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars, may be purchased out of the appropriation made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, for salaries and expenses of agents and surveyors, fees and expenses of gangers, salaries of storekeepers, and for miscellaneous ex nses. ECNTINGENT EXPENSES, INDEPENDENT TREASURY: For contingent IY,‘,}',§'Q§,§§§,§§‘”§.}‘eP,°_§; expenses under the requirements of section thirty-six hundred and wps se 3653 719 fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the collec-" °` 'p° ' tion, safe—keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public mone , and for transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the llrnited States, two hundred thousand dollars. TRANSPORTATION or srnvrziz com: For transportation of silver coin, ,0'f,§f""P°'““¥ °“'°' including fractional silver coin, by registered mail or otherwise, one . hundred thousand dollars; and in expending this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, silver coin when requested to do so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin or currency shall have been §,;_ deposited in the Treasury or such subtreasuries by the applicant or applicants. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Congress t e cost arising under this appropriation. . TRANSPORTATION or MINOR cons: For transportation of minor coin, m°}`g`§}"P°’“°* '”*°°' fifteen thousand dollars; and in expending this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, minor coin w en requested to do so: Prmided, That an equal amount in coin or currency shall have been mg_ deposited in the Treasury or such subtreasuries by the applicant or applicants. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Congress the cost arising under this appropriation. RECOINAGE or corn coms: For recoinagc of lightweight gold c,,{*,,§°°*“"" ‘°m coins in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, as required by section thirty-five hundred and R—S·»°°°·35*2·P·°°°· tiwplve of the Revised Statutes of the United States, three thousand o lars.