Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/526

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460 FIF1`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. pul;g;¤Q‘;' °°"""°"° That under appropriations herein contained no contract shall be ` made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavements in Wash- . ington City at a higher price than one do ar and eighty cents per guare yard for a uality equal to the best laid in the District of lumbia prior todlnl first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with a base of not less than six inches in thickness. For improvement, care, and maintenance of grounds of Executive De rtments, one thousand dollars. Eldr improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds (within iron fence), one thousand dollars. Eusiuw. For the employment of an engineer by the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds, two thousan four hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, and for grading around the buildin , two thousand dollars. §¤=¤'=¤ ,1*;*,2*- Snnmum s·rA•rU1¤:: The unexpended balance of the sum of eight v¤, p.m’ thousand dollars appropriated y Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, for stone coping around the Sherman statue is hereby made available for construction of roadways rand paths and for each and every object connected with improvement of the grounds about said statue, and, in addition thereto, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars is appropriated for the same purpose. °°¤Pl¢**°¤· M For comp eting and unveiling the statue, four thousand dollars. g°’;:r*§g*3g”“· Gnnrr mmomanz To enable the commission authorized by the Act von. s1. v-sca of February twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, to commence the erection of a memorial to General Ulysses S. Grant, fifty thousand dollars; and said commission is authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for the completion of said memorial for a sum not exceeding two hundred and forty thousand dollars, including the amount herein appropriated. _ _ _ iF,¤;¤¤;·;i§°M¤¤¤¤¤- xncurrvrz Mansion: For care, repair, and IBfHFDlSh1D%,0f.EXGCup° ’five Mansion, twenty-five thousand dollars, tobe expended y contract or otherwise, as the President may determine. dgfces *°’ P’°¤*· For a building to accommodate the offices of the President, to be _` located in the grounds of the Executive Mansion, and for each and every urpose connected therewith, including heating apparatus and light hlirtures, furniture, and removal of greenhouses, a l to be done according to (plans, the details of which shall be approved by the President, an completed in every respect within the sum hereby appropriated, sixty-tive thousand one hundred and ninety-six dollars, to be expended by contract or otherwise in the discretion of, and under the direction of, the President, and to be immediately available; and said building shall be constructed with sufficient foundation and walls suitable for a durable, permanent building, and of sufficient strength . for an additional story when needed. ,,,‘§’,§f"“°§§,l}‘,§,',§b,{;j _ For extraordinary repairs and refurnishing of the Executive Manvw sion and for each and every pur e connected therewith, including all necessary alterations and additions, cabinet work, decoration of rooms, covered ways and approaches, grading, paving, (port cochere, gates, and electric wiring an light fixtures for house an grounds, all to be done according to plans, the details of which shall be approved by the President, and completed in every detail within the sum hereby appropriated, four hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars, to be immediately available and to be expended by contract or otherwise in the discretion of, under the direction of, the President. calf;' °’ ‘°”'P°"“'Y For rent of temporary offices for the President, to be immediately i available, two thousand dollars. F“°‘·°'°· For fuel for the Executive Mansion, greenhouses, and stable, three thousand dollars.