Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/531

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. 465 tary of War is authorized to acquire leases in such lands in Hawaii as have been set aside for purposes of a military post. That of the amount a propriated for the construction of a military ,lZ*,f,‘;§}QSIg°j§·,,ud_ post in the vicinity of l\l)anila, Philip ine lslands, in the Act approved AMeI>·12- ebruary fourteenth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and for prior years, and for other pu ses," a sum not to exceed iift *-five thousand dollars may be used, inltliii discretion the Secretary of lVar, for the purchase of the necessary land. For the purchase of five hundred and twenty -five acres of land near Q? §€;£;¤·g°W¤· the proposed site of Fort Des Moines, Iowa, for use as a target range, rg g ` twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the purchase of small tracts of land adjoining the military Kf,fj’ L°*“'°”"’°"*‘· reservation at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, necessary for the maneuver- Ad<ii¤i0¤¤1l¤¤d· ing`of the troops, nine thousand three hundred dollars. or the im rovement and repair of the military cemetery on the F°" C“*"'*°“’»‘“”· Fort Crawford Reservation at Prairie du Chien,Wisconsin, and for the purpose of lpurchasing a suitable approach to such cemetery, three thousand do lars. For constructing a spur from the railway to location of storehouses F°"S“°m"*·M*““ and such other purposes as the Secretary of War may designate at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For the purchase, on such terms as the Secretary of War deems fair ,§g:°dl£;?'·V°· and reasonable, of the land forming the roadway from the Aqueduct i Brid e to Fort Myer, in Alexandria County, Virginia, where the said lauddias not been dedicated to the public and is owned by private parties: Provided, That the United States shall acquire said land free Pppiw. from any obligation to keep said road in repair or open to the public, T": °' and that the parties from whom the land is purchased shall warrant the same to the United States a inst all claims of every kind and nature whatsoever, four thousancflfive hundred dollars. For construction of macadamized road thirty feet wide and three ,§g;{,§`P_f\§id¤¤-lllthousand four hundred and fifty feet long on Fort Sheridan military " reservation, Illinois, for the purpose of connecting present road on reservation with that known as the Sheridan road at the northern boundary of reservation, eight thousand dollars: Hmded, That the G*;°,,',{f;g;, use of said road shall not be permitted to interfere with or obstruct the' garrison in any of its military exercises, drills, maneuvers, target practice, and so forth, or to disturb the quiet of the garrison at night. Foirr Mormon, VIRGINIA: For repair and maintenance of wharf, §g{,°e’,Qf’;;°,$é,Q’sgé_ including all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel, oil, and supplies for waiting rooms, and water for flushing closets, six thousand . nine hundred and sevent dollars; whartinger, nine hundred dollars; laborer, four hundred and, twenty dollars; in all, eight thousand two hundred and ninety dollars; for one-half of said sum to be supplied by the United States, four thousand one hundred and forty-five dollars. Repairs and operation of roads, pavements, streets, lights, and Roms ¢¤=· general police: For rakes, shovels, and brooms; stone and abor for macadamizing streets, brick, cement, terra—cotta drainpipe, and catch basins; electric lights for streets; repairs to roads, dpavements, walks, and street crossings, three thousand and forty ollars; driver for police cart, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all three thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; for one—half of said sum to be supgliad by the United States, one thousand seven hundred and sixty o ars. Maintenance of sewer system: For coal and wood, waste, oil, and S°w°” pump re irs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, and supplies, one thousand five hundiizd and fifty dollars; two en °neers, at nine hundred dollars each; two firemen. at six hundred dollars each; two laborers, at five von xxxrr, rr 1130 _