Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/538

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472 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. T'°“’P°"““°“· For trans rfation of members of the Home, three thousand five hundred dollalis; R°P“i'°- For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, twenty-five thousand ollars; F“""· For farm, includin the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; In all, three hundred and six thousand seven hundred dollars. {,Q,§}*€“g§jjQ;,{£§“· AT mm MoU1w1A1N Bmmon, AT Jomzsox Crrr, Trzxmzssmsz For ` current expenses, subsistence,. household, hospital, transportation, repairs, and farm, includin the same objects specified under these _ heads for the Central Branch twenty-hve thousand dollars; g°},'};’;,‘l§§f’“‘ For construction, namely: For the objects specified under this head in "Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year en ing June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and for prior years, and for other purposes," approved February fourteenth, nineteen hundred and two, three hundred thousand dollars; In all, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. b,§,lQ,§;f“*· °“ For clothing for all of the Branches, namely: Expenditures for _ clothing, underclothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, socks, and overalls; r also all sums expended for labor, materials, machines, tools, and appliances employed, and for use in the tailor shops, knittin shops, and shoe shops, or other Home shops in which any kind of clotging is made ‘ or repaired, three hundred and ten thousand dollars. m§¤lgfig,£g 3}*%,*;; For salaries for officers and employees of the Board of Managers, and neéis. for outdoor relief and incidental expenses, namely: K‘S‘·“°°"8”’°‘°B°‘ For president of the Board of Managers, four thousand dollars; secretary of the Board of Managers, two thousand dollars; general treasurer,who shall not be a member of the Board of Managers, our thousand dollars; inspector—ge neral,three thousand dollars; assistan t general treasurer and assistant inspector-general, two thousand five hundred dollars; two assistant inspectorsgeneral, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; clerical services for the offices of the president and general treasurer, ten thousand five hundred dollars; messenger service for president’s office, one hundred and forty-four dollars; clerical services for managers, three thousand nine hundred dollars; agents, one thousand E"*’“’“"“· eight hundred dollars; for traveling expenses of the Board of Managers, their officers and employees, fifteen thousand dollars; for outdoor relief, one thousand dollars; for rent, medical examinations, stationer , telegrams, and other incidental expenses, six thousand dollars; in all, fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-four dollars. ln all three million seven hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine dollars. ,,€;§§¥’°l“°"’°"‘°‘°""‘ Hereaffer the officers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer C Soldiers. and officers under the Board of Managers thereof, shall be appointed. so far as may be practicable, from persons whose military or naval service would render them eligible, if disabled and not otherwise provided for, for admission to the Home, and they may be appointed, removed, and transferred, from time to time, as the inter- _ ests of the institution may require, by the Board of Managers. ,,,§";§§`;m’},Qf‘ T““'"‘* Srna on Tmmrronmr Homes: For continuing aid to State or Vei- 21 r- 450 Territorial Homes for the support of disabled volunteer soldiers, in conformity with the Act approved August twentyseventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, includin all classes of soldiers admissible _ to the National Home for Disabledgrolunteer Soldiers, nine hundred £[,'Z{§§Zg,,,,,_ and fifty thousand dollars: ]’rm·ée{ed, That one-half of any sum orsums retained by State Homes on account of pensions received from inmates shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for. m23g? ¥’“>" ““d BACK PAY AND BOUNTYZ For payment of amounts for arrears of pay of two and three year volunteers, for bounty to volunteers and their