Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/611

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1329. 1902. 545 and if, on such admeasurement, the whole front of the square exceeds or falls short of the aggregate of the fronts of the lots on that side of the square, as the same are recorded, he shall, except in that portion of the city of Washington included within the limits of what formerly constituted the city of Georgetown, apportion such excess or deficiency among the lots or pieces on that front agreeabl to their respective dimensions; and in that portion of the city of Vdashington included within the limits of what formerly constituted the city of Geor etown he shall allow such excess or charge such deficiency to the highest numbered original lot on that front of the square, or apportion such excess or deficiency among any lots into which such highest numbered original lot may have been subdivided: Provided, That wherever in §g0°”‘°°£0wn the former city of Georgetown a square or block of land is intersected me mma by the division line between two original additions to said city, the excess or deficiency found between the street lines and said division line shall be applied to the highest numbered original lot on each side of said division line, or aplportioned among any lots into which such highest numbered original ot ma have been subdivided." Amend section 1589, line 2, by striking out the words " when bu‘§{§fQ,°;“8 ““°° °’ requested/’ and in lines 3 and 4, by striking out the words " when the V<>1-81.'p.1426. same shall be level with the street or surface of the ground." Amend section 1600 by inserting in the second line thereof after the $g{*’,,'j} *;*§*g;’¤· word "plats" the words " books, maps."'` Amend section 1606 by striking out in the second and third lines §'g{”§1°g°{'4g8*°°’- thereof the words "delivered to the petitioners, who shall file the`' same" and insert in lieu thereof the word " filed." Amend section 1607 by striking out in the fourteenth and hfteenth p,,f‘,§,,‘§_°"“"*·' °" i lines thereof the words " attached to a plat of said square and delivered Vvk 31. r- 1421 to the petitioners, who shall iile the same" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "tiled;" also by adding at the end of said section the words “‘ the explense of the recording provided for by this and the preceding section s all be advanced by the petitioner to the Commissioners under such regulations as they may prescribe.” Amend section 1609 by striking out in the eleventh line thereof the $§{l’§{,°§’§‘}§§· word " kept" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "recorded." _ Strike out section 1624. ,,,,P§§§°°“"'°’ “""°"` Agiend section 1628 so that it will read as follow? md :2;::*-1:*-M " nc. 1628. Aman-Acqmnnn REAL ns·rA·rr·:.— n will execu , ° ° '· after January seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and wdlllllmd mm by before the first day of Januar , nineteen hundred and two, devising ¥§·i¤ma€5§`£‘ ggd real estate, from which it shallyappear that it was the intention of the ‘°"”* '°°‘“‘°°· testator to devise property acquired after the execution of the will, shall be deemed, taken, and held to operate as a valid devise of all such property; and any will hereafter executed which shall by words of general import devise all the estate or all the real estate of the testator shall be deemed, taken, and held to operate as a valid devise of any real estate acquired bv said testator after the execution of such will, unless it shall appear therefrom that it was not the intention of the testator to devise such after- uired prqperty." Amend section 1633 so that it iivdll read as ollows: " Sec. 1633. GENERAL mzvrsn or ALL 1’ROPElZ'1'Y`.·—EV(5l’j’ devise °* °“ P'°P‘ and bequest purporting to be of all real or personal property, or both, ugfgcg M belon ng to the testator shall be construed to include also all property - °' L "1 of cigar or both kinds, respectively, over which he has a general power of appointment, unless the contrary intention shall appear in the will or codicil containing such devise or bequest.” Following seption l16351Lnser€ ghe following additipnal section: wm Sec. 1635a. t shall be wfu or any person in w ose ession or “*”8 W U custody a will or codicil shall be after the death of thldostgstator or gzrpéuy m testatrix, to open and read the same in the presence of any near rela- V° SL p' IM vox. xxx1x, rr 1———35