Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/623

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FII•`TY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 1351. 1902. 557 dollars and eighty-six cents; in all, one thousand six hundred and four dollars and seventy-seven cents. Crmnrr IN ACCOUNT or·· LIEUTENANT-CoLoNEL J. W. J AGOBS2 The c0§;°“*·°°1·J·“'·J**· accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed Crédit in accounts. to reopen the accounts of Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Jacobs, Deput Quartermaster-General, and to credit him with the amount, not exceedsi ing six hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixty-nine cents, expended by him, under orders of the Secretary of War, for the entertainment of the military organizations of foreign governments accompanying the Army of the United States in e military operations before Santiago, Cuba, in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. REHEF or Es·rA1·E or GEORGE LEA Fmnrermz The estate of George gggm W Febizcr Lea F ebiger, late first lieutenant, Thirty-third United States Infantry Reimer. Volunteers, is hereby relieved from accountabilit for subsistence funds in the sum of one hundred and twenty-nine dollars and thirty- eight cents, that being the amount of such funds with which he was charged and for whic he was accountable on October twenty-fom·th, nineteen hundred, on which date he was killed in action. PAYMENT ro C1IAsE AND JAMEs0N: To compensate Messrs. Chase g8¤•¤¤¤¤;¤J¤mc¤c¤- and Jameson, Boston, Massachusetts, for damages sustained by the min °°‘ steam tug Minnie and Irvin by collision with the revenue steamer Chandler November twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and one, thirty- — nine dollars and ninety cents. PAYMENT ro WILLIAM S. BEAUGIIAMP: To pay William S. Beau- gin S. Beauchamp, of Baltimore, Maryland, for loss sustained through the sink- nygisnq ¤,_ ing of the schooner Alexander Wiley, through collision with the Government steam tug General Hunt, near Fort Carroll, Maryland, on July twenty-first, nineteen hundred, two thousand three hundred and seventy dollars and eighty-two cents. REILIBUBSEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT LINE STEAMERS, or TAMPA, Séndepcncem Line Fr.o1zrnA; To pay to the Inde ndent Line Steamers, of Tampa, Flor- R°Z'i1.$tst;ZI.$,€Y,‘t¥l I"' ida, in full settlement of all claeims said steamer line may have against the United States for damages to the steamer Manatee, due to a collision with the United States steamer Hillsboro, in Tampa Bay, Florida, on the night of November eighteenth, nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighteen cents. PAYMENT ·ro THE Momma AND Omo RArI.noAD CoMPANr: To pay Jwg cg:} n0¤¤¤ the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company balance for transportation, P¤yme¤¢m.p° y' as ascertained by the findings of the (,ourt of Claims rendered on the nineteenth day of February, nineteen hundred and one, fourteen thousand four hxmdred and forty-three dollars and ninety-three cents. · COLLECTING mE REVENUE mom customs. °¤¤¤>¤¤¤ ¤‘=v¤¤¤c- To defray the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, being °* °°“°°*· additional to the permanent appropriation for this purpose, on account of the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and two, one hundred and fifty thousand dollhrs. ‘ INTERNAL REVENUE. Internal revenue For salaries and expenses of agents, fees and expenses of gaugers S¤*¤**<¢¤· etcsalaries and expenses of storekeepers and storekeeper-gaugers, and miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the I Ritnndrcg gu il- Treasu on account of the appropriation "Refundin taxes ille lly °g° Y°° °° ' collecteld;" two thousand nine lihn red and nineteen gillars and Ety- five cents. To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the “f;p*;¤¤P**¤¤ <>l Treasury on account of the appropriation "Redemption of stamps," ` seven thousand one hundred an sixty dollars and sixty-nine cents.