Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/655

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FIF'I`Y—SEVEN'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1351. 1902. 589 cmnws Annownn BY arms Amnrron ron Tun wan nmruarunur. _`§({Q}g}¤,g}l°,$§§,;>g . partmeut. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, four hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-three cents. I For paysof volunteers, forty-two dollars and sixty-six cents. For su istence of the Army, two hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty-four cents. For regular supplies, Quartermastefs De rtment, sixteen dollars. For incidental expenses, Quartermaster’s!)l‘lepart1nent, ten dollars. For transportation of the Army and its supplies, twenty thousand one hundre and ten dollars and nine cents. For barracks and quarters, two hundred and twelve dollars. For medical and hospital department, five hundred and eighty-nine dollars and sixty cents. · For artificial limbs, thirty dollars and twenty-six cents. For ordnance stores, repairs, five dollars. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Southern Branch, fifteen dollars. . For gunboats on Western rivers, twelve dollars. For collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers, eighty-five dollars and twenty cents. For pay of volunteers, Mexican war, fourteen dollars and seventy cents. For pay, transportation, services, and su[2>lies of Oregon and Washington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fty-five and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twenty dollars and forty-two cents. For claims for quartermaster stores and commissary supplies, Act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, two hundred and twenty dollars. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY_ THE AUDITOR Fon THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. Agégjgfggjgg I}; partmeut. · For emergency fund, Navy Department, twenty-seven dollars. For pay of the Navy, six undred and seventy dollars and eighty cents. For pay, Marine Corps, two hundred and twenty-two dollars and lift -two cents. · Igor provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, four dollars and fifty cents. For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, five dollars and eighty cents. For indemnity for lost property, naval service, Act of March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, five hundred and sixty-six dollars and forty-eight cents. For indemnity for lost clothing, three hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty-four cents. For enlistment bounties to seamen, six hundred and forty-six dollars _ and sixty-six cents. Cmlms Annownn BY THE AUDITOR ron THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. izgéglgémg ED For investi ation of pension cases, Pension Office, one hundred and lifpy-nine dollinrs and thirty cents. or protecting public lands, timber, and so forth, thirty-seven dollars an eighty-six cents. For surveying the public lands, one thousand eight hundred and fiftv-ve dollars and tlilrty-nine cents. ‘ For support of Sioux, Medawakanton band, five dollars and twenty- eight cents. .