Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/68

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2 FIF1`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 3, 5, 6. 1902. J¤¤¤¤¤` 22- 1902- CHAP. 3.—An Act To increase the amount of the odicial bond to be furnished by

 the United States marshal for the District of Alaska, in certain cases.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o_fRepresentatives of the United §:§_";,.s Md States of America in Congress assembled, at section four hundred V0l.30.P.13l6. and fifty-nine of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninetvnine, be amended so as to read: That whenever the business of the courts in any division of the district of Alaska shall make it necessary, in ghe opmion of the Attorne£;Ger;1em¥,iforlt{1);e naarshal for cpvipion to urms reater securit n the o cia u now ui y aw, a bond in E, sum not to eiiceed seventy-five thousand-ldlollars shall be given when required by the Attorney-General, who shall Hx the amount thereof; Approved, January 22, 1902. J•¤¤w‘y $1,1W2. CHAP. 5.-An Act To amend the code of law for the District of Columbia,

 approved March third, nineteen hundred and one.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives {the United f,’},*;*g‘,,§,§fgd'm°*°- States of Ameriea in Oongresa assembled, That section two undred and V0l.31,P.1R2.. fom of an Act of Congress entitled “An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, ” approved March third, nineteen hundred ` and one, be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the word E: pnezin fhelsecoéig line thergof, and iusergizag in lieu thereof the word wo; aso a in tosai section e o owin: ,Q_‘•['*·$‘,mn,m “Provided, That iuiginediategy upon the approvalaf this amendatory ` Act it shall be the duty of sa.i clerk to proceed to break the seal and to draw from the said box the names of twenty-three persons to serve as grand jurors in said crimiml courts whose term of service shall terminate on the Monda preceding the frat Tuesday of A ril, nineteen` hundred and two; and, at the same time it shall likewise be the duty of said clerk to draw from said box the names of twenty-six persons for service as jurors in the police court of the District of Columbia and to certify the same to the said police court, and the term of service of said jurors so drawn shall terminate on the last Saturday of the January, nineteen hundred and two, jury term of said police court. All provisions of the Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, entitled ‘An Act to establish a code of law for the District of C0lumbia’ relating to the grand jury and the police court juries shall apply respectively to the juries drawn under the provisions hereof." ,n;;·gQ,·J:¤;gpg>;,ggi¤=- Sec. 2. That the jomt resolution to amend an Act entitled “An Act 1m, p. vas.,to establish a code of law for the District Columbia," approved January eigtpth, nineteen hundred and two, be, and the same is hereby, repeale . Approved. January 31, 1902. Mplununry si, 1902. CHAP. 8_.—An Art To provide for the removal of snow and ice from crosswalks ,,,uK,j;,,,Lgj]*·· and gutters in the city of Washington, Distnrt of Columbia. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re msentattzzes 0 the Ubzited Q;,§',:’,fg£gg};*g)'§;g; States of Ame1~£ca in Cbngreas assembled, T hdl; for the remdval of snow mpyglnggnlpwébg apdnae frp)m crosswalksgréd gpttegs in the citjicgi Vllshshington, District ' ’‘ 0 `o um ia. as reqmre y the ct a rove 1 arc second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. there is hliiieby appropriated the 51m of five thousand dollars, one half to be paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, and the other half out of the Treasury of the United States. Approved, January 31, 1902.