Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/702

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636 FIFI`Y—SEVEN'I`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1359-1361. 1902. July 1. 1902- CHAP. 1359.-An Act Relating to transportation of dutiable merchandise at sub-

 ports of Tacoma and Seattle, State of Washington.

wT¤§<>¤¤¤ wd S¤¤¤¤¢» Be it enacted by the Senateand Home qf'Rt£reaentatives of the United iinineame trans- States of Amemea in Oongresa assembled, at the privileges of the g§{,§{3‘}§_ P““'°"' first section of the Act approved_ June tenth, eighteen hundred and Vol. 21, 1>-1'M eighty, relating)? the transportation of dutiable merchandise without mraisement, , and the same are hereby, extended to Tacoma and ttle, subports of entry in the customs collection district of Puget Sound, State of Washington. Approved, July 1, 1902. ·I¤l5'r19°2- CHAP. 1380.-An Act To extend the time for the construction of the East [puh3k,' N0_ 226_] Washington Heights Tf3CtlOD Railroad COIDPBIIIY. Be it enacted tbe Senate md House ofRe}rr·esentat¢h:es of the lg,f§$;gg%*§g*§f§; States of America an Oongrms assembled, That the time within which _ uma rzsumsa the East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Company is required E,,’Y¥,,'{.Y,;,i,,,, um., to complete and put in operation its railway be, and the same is hereby, ¤`$*3j*;*·P_ M_ extended for the term of twelve months from the eighteenth day of pow?. mm June, nineteen hundred and two: Provided, That the said railroad ,,{$$¤?£'°°§v,,,¤Q company is authorized and empowered to extend its lines b single

          • 5*- trac across the Pennsylvania avenue bridge to connect with the east

ern terminus of the Capital Traction Company, under such conditions “`°”'°"`°°"`"` tif? °3"""‘“.p4“i”£°“3? °*$*f.]Z{?$.'t‘iZ!éf t l“'é“"f£ “‘“" £’”°"2"”’°e T2 n an ca ns y n e cons ruc Ion o under the supervision of the Commissioners of the District of Colum- Br¤<¤s¤r¤v•im bia, and the said railway company shall bear one-half of the cost of maintenance and repair of said bridge in like manner and under the same conditions as are now provided y law as to bridges across Rock Creek occiripied by the tracks of street railways. A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¢· HISEX. 2. hat Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal is ct. Approved, July 1, 1902. " Jul h19W- CHAP. 1361.-A A:tT t, 'f , d H a s ·—,,,_~,—·~———·——,,,;_ N0_,,,; ...m by the K.'Z.r kat? ?£'é°i£.s’2¥‘c“¤¤Z‘»}0..‘§‘LI‘tf.E r..£’£’&°°..."‘*,,..”"‘.,..,’°`?°“‘ “‘* 05:,3,;;: I¤d****¤· \Vhereas the Kansas or Kaw tribe of Indians of Oklahoma Territorg agrggéigtrggbgpiiesg has submitted the following proposed agreement to Congress, wit bymumbxel the request that the same be accepted, ratiiied, and connrmed, to wrt; Az¤‘¤¢¤¤¤¤¤- AGREEMENT or THE KANSAS on KAW INDIANS 02* OKLAHOMA tmmutromr AMONG THEMSELVES RELATIVE T0 marx TRIBAL LANDS AND FUNDS, AND MEMORIAL T0 CONGRESS. Ugandan represenw This aggeement and memorial of the Kansas or Kaw Indians, entered " into on half of said Indians by Wah-shun- h, Wah-mob-o-e·ke, Forrest Chouteau, Mitchel F ronkier, \Villiam Iilhrdy, Akan Pappan 1 • , _ S and Gen. V\ . E. Hardy, duly authorized to represent sard tribe by a vote of a. majority of the adult members thereof, at a general council _ held for the purpose of selecting representatives to enter into this agreement an memorial witnesseth:

0s{m¤=g_¤g%dbe_ Smcrrox 1. The roll of,the Kansas or Kaw tribe of Indians, as shown

by the records of the United States rn the office of the United States Indian agent at the Osage Indian Agency, Oklahoma Territory, now rn charge of said tribe, as It existed on the first day of December, 1901, and all descendants born between December first, 1901, and December