Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/707

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FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1361,1362. 1902. 641 ive until such amendments are approved by a majority of the adult members of the Kansas or Kaw tribe of Indians. Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives oft/ee [Mited States of America in Omagress assembled, That the said agreement be, Qggggggg and the same hereby is, accepted, ratified, and confirmed with the ` following amendments: Strike out section thirteen and change section fourteen so as to read section thirteen. Approved, July 1, 1902. CHAP. 1382.-An Act To ratify and confirm an agreement with the Choctaw -I¤lY1»1902· and Chickasaw tribes of Indians, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatires of the United _ States of America in Omvgress assembled, 'Izlilat the following a ree- F§‘Q“2,}‘$§‘{’j§‘,} §n§§ ment, made by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes witg the R R;gjg¤¤i,gy tgf commissions representing the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians cifmmqusntivbhickti on the twenty·i1rst day of March, nineteen hundred and two, be, and “'"' I“°““"· the same is hereby, ratified and confirmed, to wit: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE Cuocnws AND CHTGKASAWS. This reement, by and between the United States, entered into in °°""“l“"’°“°’“· its behailg by Henry L. Dawes, Tams Bixby, Thomas B. Needles, and Clifton R. Breckinridge, commissioners duly appointedand authorized thereunto, and the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians in Indian Territory, respectively, entered into in behalf of such Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes, by Gilbert W. Dukes. Green Mc·Curtain, Thomas E. Sanguin, and Simon E. Lewis in behalf of the Choctaw tribe of Indians; and Douglas H. Johnston, Calvin J. Grant, Holmes Willis, Edward B. Johnson, and Benjamin H. Colbert in behalf of the Chickasaw tribe of Indians, commissioners duly appointed and authorized thereunto- W itnesseth that, in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein contained, it is agreed as follows: . DEFINITIONS. 1. Wherever used in this agreement the words “ nations” and D°°"m°°` “tribes" shall each be held to mean the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations or tribes of Indians in Indian Territory. 2. The words “chief executives ” shall be held to mean the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation and the governor of the Chickasaw Nation. 3. The words “ member" or "members” and "citizen” or “‘citizens" shall be held to mean members or citizens of the Choctaw or Chickasaw tribe of Indians in Indian Territory, not including freedmen. 4. The term “Atoka agreement" shall be held to mean the agreement made by the Commission to the Five,Civilized Tribes with the commissioners representing the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of _ Indians at Atoka, Indian Territory, and embodied in the Act of Con- ‘°‘·“°·¥’·*°*"· gress approved June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight. (30 Stats., 495.) 5. The word " minor ’ shall be held to mean males under the age of twenty-one years and females under the age of eighteen years. 6. The word "sclect" and its various modifications, as applied to allotments and homesteads, shall be held to mean the forma application at the land office, to be established by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes for the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, for particular tracts of land. vor. xxxu. rr I--—-41