Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/735

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1368. 1902. 669 Navy—yard, Norfolk. Virginia: For two clerks, at one thousand two N°"°“‘v “‘· hundred dollars each; one writer, at nine hundred and fiftv dollars: in all, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; v Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one clerk, at one thousand Mm m°“d» Caltwo hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one writer, at nine hundred and fifty dollars: in all, three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For one clerk, who W“*'*¤¤*°”» D· C· snall also perform the clerical duties for the board of labor employ- ment at said navy—yard, one thousand six hundred dollars; Cavite, Philippine Islands: For one electrician, at five dollars and C“"“°·P·I· four cents per diem; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; in all, two thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty-two cents; Navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: One clerk, one thousand dollars; P°¤S°°°1*’··F*¤· d gaval station, Port Royal, South Carolina: One clerk, one thousand Pm R°Y°l· S· C- o ars; Naval station, Key West, Florida: One clerk, one thousand dollars; K°Y W°¤*· Flad Igavy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington: One clerk, one thousand *’¤¤°*S°¤¤d·W¤¤h· o ars; In all, civil establishment, Bureau of Equipment, thirty-one thousand four hundred and two dollars and fifty-two cents. BUREAL or IARDS AND DOCKS. D:g;$¤¤¤fY*¤¤¤¤d MAINTENANCE or YARDS AND Docks: For general maintenance of M¤i¤¤¢¤·>¤¢¤· yards and docks, namely: For freight, transportation of materials and stores; books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire engines; fire apparatus and plants; machinery; purchase and maintenance of oxen, horses, and driving teams; carts, timber wheels, and all vehicles for use in the navy—yards; tools and repairs of the same; postage on letters and other mailable matter on public service sent to forei n countries, and telegrams; stationery; furniture for Government diouses and offices in navy-yards; coal and other fuel, candles, oil, and gas; attendance on` light and power plants; cleaning and clearing up :ards and care of buildings; attendance on fires, lights, fire engines, and fire apparatus and plants; incidental labor at navy- yards; water·tax, tolls, and ferriage; pay of watchmen in navy-yards; awnings and packing boxes, and advertising for yards and docks and other purposes; and for rent of wharf and storehouse at Erie, Pennsylvania, for use and accommodation of United States steamer Michigan, six hundred thousand dollars. CoN·r1NcnNr, BUREAU or IIARDS AND Docxs: For contingent °<>¤¤¤U<·>¤¢· expenses that may arise at navy—yards and stations, forty thousand dollars, Civir. ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU or IIARDS AND Docks: Navy—yard. (,§f,‘,[m*{},**";,'”‘{_}"- Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For one clerk, at one thousand four' I hundred dollars; one mail messenger, at two dollars per diem, including Sundays; one messenger, at six hundred dollars; one foreman laborer and head teamster, at four dollars per diem, including Sundays; one janitor, at six hundred dollars; one pilot, at three dollars r diem, including Sundays: one draftsman, at four dollars per ciielm; one electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand three hundred and thirty-seven dollars. Navy-yard, Boston. Massachusetts: For one clerk, at one thousand B<>¤¤>¤· Mm four hundred dollars: one foreman laborer, at four dollars per diem; one messenger to conimandant, at two dollars per diem: one messenger, at two dollars r diem; one mail messenger, at two dollars per diem, including Sundays; one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one draftsman, at five dollars per diem; one master of tugs, at one thousand two hundred dollars: one electrician,