Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/74

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8 FIBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 17. 1902. I¤*¢f¤¤*¤*¤¤¤¤· 0oLLEcr1N¤ INTERNAL 1mvmNUE. ·*¢°¤”·°*°· For salaries and expenses of agents, fees and expenses of gaugersé salaries and expenses of storekeepers and storekeepengaugers, an ` miscellaneous expenses, on account of the fiscal years as ollows: For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one hundred thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, fifteen thousand dollars. $****1* •¢¤¤*- For one stamp agent, at the rate of one thousand six hundred dollars per annum, and one counter at the rate of nine hundred dollars . per annum; in all, one thousand and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers. ~ ,,_f°""*° °’ *°*"*’°° For the payment of drawback or rebate on original and unbroken I factory packages of smoking and manufactured tobacco, snuff, and v¤1.m.1•. om. cigars, as lprogideld in gection four of the didnt approved Marcgh geclond, v¤, nineteen un re an one, amending e war-revenue ac 0 une thirteenth e' hteen hundred and ninety-e` ht, and to reduce taxation thexencnidplii thrpe nnillioiapne hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so mu ereo as ma necessary. "¥’°"°"'*"¤"- To pay amounts foulid due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation ‘:iIr:per for internal-revenue stamp;" fgr the fiscal year rtiinetgepullpinud _ agd one, font; thousand ei t un redan sevent·w0 o ai six ~threeeell - nesuuamgnxes gl`:) pay amounts cortiiiebd to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasu on account of the a ropriation "Refunding taxes illegally ¢x>llect»£” fifteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-one dollars and thirtv—five cents. Redemption of TJ pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the mm"' Treasury on account of the appropriation "Redemption of stamps," nine thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninety- our cents. h§:tgI;¤yL¤;Eu·•¤d BNGRAVING AND PRINTING. S•1¤¤¢¤- For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of all necessary clerks and employees, other than plate dprinters and plate printers? assistants, one hundred and fifteen thousan one hundree and eighty-three dollars and seventy six cents, to be expended under the EMM- t direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: Prmdde , That no portion m ma of this sum shall be expended for printing United States notes or Triealsury notes of larger denpminationl thant those thin); may be cance c or retire . except in so ar as suc rin ing ma necessa in vol. 31. r. 45. executing the requirehients of the Act "Fo define and, fix the stanldhrd of value. to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other pu ses," approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred.

    • ’·¤s¤·¤· llll)>i)· wa es of plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such

work, including the wa es of printers’ assistants, when employed, two hundred and eightpeight thousand six hundred and seven dollars and seventy-six cents, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary P#·¤·f·<·- of the Treasury: Provided, That no portion of this sum shall be L°‘rg° me expended for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger denomination than those that may be canceled or retired, except in so far as such printin may be necessary in executing the requirements v¤,p.4s. of the Act “To dedne and Hx the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other purp0ses," approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred.