Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/740

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674 FIFIY-SEVENTH oonensss. sms. 1. on. 1368. 1902. for naval hospital, five thousand dollars; in all, navy-yard, Norfolk, conuemmmen of Virginia, three hundred and forty-four thousand dollars. '°°m°"“l 1”‘"d‘ Cououmuynou or LAND ADJAo¤N·r ro run N onronx N Avr-YARD. — The Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to cause to be commenced, within three months after the pas— sage of this Act, proceedings for the condemnation of the following tract of land, or so much thereof as he may deem necessary, for the use of the United States for the Norfolk Navy-Yard, and for other naval purposes, namely, a tract of land known as the Schmolles property, containing some two hundred and seventy-two and four-tent s acres, more or less, in Norfolk Count , Virginia, and adjacent to the V¤1-25,1>·357- Norfolk Navy-Yard, under the Act of Congress approved August first, · eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled "An Act to authorize the condemnation of lands for sites of public buildings, and for other purposes," and other laws of the United States, so as to completely vest in . the United States the title of said land. And all such proceedings shall Report. be reported to Congress at its next session by the Secretary of the Navv. KEY Wm. Fin Nhvn. s·n·r1oN, Kar Wicstr, FLORIDA: Quay wall, to continue, fifty thousand dollars; coaling pier, to complete, twenty-three thousand dollars; concrete cisterns, twenty thousand dollars; to complete pur- · chase of land heretofore condemned and partially appropriated for, twenty-five thousand nine hundred and fty dollars; in all, naval station, Key West, one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. um xs1¤¤o.c»n. Nxvrauma, Mann Isunn, Canrronnrnz To continue quay wall, fifty thousand dollars; paving and grading, to continue, twenty-five thousand dollars; sewers and closets, additional, eight thousand dollars; railroad system, extensions, five thousand dohars; heatin sys— · tem, extension, six thousand dollars; machine shop numberedg two, construction and repair, to complete, fifty thousand dollars; auxiliary machine shop, steam engineering, five thousand dollars; naval prison, extension, ten thousand dollars; dry dock water-closets and bath house, five thousand dollars; coal-handling machinery, thirty-two thousand dollars; improvements to building numbered forty-five, two thousand dollars; electric plant, extension, fifteen thousand dollars; telephone system, extension, one thousand dollars; boiler and pump for new caisson, three thousand five hundred dollars; improvements to building for storing and handling guns, six thousand dollars; to complete sawmill, boiler house, and steel chimney, two thousand dollars; in all, navy—yard, Mare Island, two hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars. F'¤¤¤*S¤¤¤d·“'¤>**· Nxvr-YARD, Puom Sormo, Wasmrvoronz Sewers, extensions, five thousand dollars; to continue grading, thirty thousand dollars; coal shed and appliances, including pier extensions, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; fire—protection system, extensions, three thousand five hundred dollars; electric-light plant, extensions. twenty thousand dollars; telephone system, extensions, two thousand dollars; railroad and edluipment, extensions, twenty thousand dollars; purchase of land, four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; smith~ ery for construction and repair, extension, forty thousand dollars; plate metal shop for construciion and repair, fifty thousand dollars; addition to storehouse for supplies and accounts, fifty thousand dollars; boat shop for construction an repair (to cost not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for which contract is hereby authorized), fifty thousand dollars; water-closets, two thousand five hundred dollars; power house for construction and re ir, seventy thousand dollars; storehouse for steel, thirty-six thonsandidollars; piers. seventy-five thousand dollars; roads and walks, fifteen thousand dollars; water system, extensions, five thousand dollars; locomotive crane, eight