Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/842

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FIFTY-SEVENTH coNGREss. sms. 11. cu. 196. 1903. 777 general of the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, with such observations thereon as he may deem necessary for the information of Congress. Sec. 13. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue, ISSN °*¤¤¤¤· °°°· on the requisitions of the governors of the several States and Terri- PM P·°"· tories, or of the commanding general of the militia of the District of Columbia, such number of the United States standard service magazine arms, with bayonets, bayonet scabbards, gun slings, belts, and such other necessary accouterments and equipments as are required for the Army of the United States, for arming all of the organized militia in said States and Territories and District of Columbia, without 9_u1;‘1Q1E_,‘jl*{{*gl°1l° *° charging the cost or value thereof, or any which have been issued since ` December first, nineteen hundred and one, or any expense connected · therewith, against the allotment to said State, Territory, or District of Columbia, out of the annual a propriation provided by section sixteen R.S.,sec.1661,p.2®. hundred and sixty-one of the llevised Statutes, as amended, or requir- Expipmse or nmiugdpayment therefor, and to exchange, without receiving any money m“m°°”' c t therefor, ammunition, or parts thereof, suitable to the new arms, round for round, for corres nding ammunition suitable to the old arms theretofore issued to said)State, Territory, or District by the United States: Provided, That said riiies and carbines and other rop— Pwviw. . erty shall be receipted for and shall remain the property of the Uliiited ,,,£?$§h,,'},2?° °f md f" States and be annually accounted for by the governors of the States and Territories as now required by law, and that each State, Territory, and District shall, on receipt of the new arms, turn in to the Ordnance Department of the United States Army, without receiving any money credit therefor, and without expense for transportation, all United States rifles and carbines now in its ipossession. To provide means to carry into e act the provisions of this section, APP'°P'i°*i°¤· the necessary money to cover the cost of exchanging or issuing the new arms, accouterments, equipments, and ammunition to be exchanged or issued hereunder is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 14. That whenever it shall appear by the report of inspections, ,,€*f_§Y§,‘jf’Q;’,j',f,‘(§f““l which it shall be the dutyof the Secretary of \Var to cause to be made` at least once in each year by officers detailed by him for that purpose, that the organized militia of a State or Territor or of the District of Columbia IS sufficiently armed, uniformed, and, equipped for active duty in the field, the Secretary of War is authorized, on the requisition of e governor of such State or Territory, to pay to the quartermastergenera thereof, or to such other officer of the militia of said State as the said overnor may designate and appoint for the purpose, so much of its `algatment out of the said annualxlxppro riation under section sixteen hundred and sixty-one of the Revised Statutes as amended as shall be necessary for the payment, subsistence, and transportation of such portion of said organized militia as shall engage in actual iield or camp service for instruction, and the officers an enlisted men of such mg! 0* ¤¤<>¢¤ ¤¤¤ militia while so engaged shall be entitled to the same (pay, subsistence, and transportation or travel allowances as officers an enlisted men of corresponding grades of the Regular Army are or may hereafter be entitled by law, and the officer so designated and appointed shall be regarded as a disbursing officer of the lnited States, and shall render ·*°°°“¤*·°· his accounts through the War Department to the proper accounting officers of the Treasury for settlement, and he shall be required to give ood and sufficient bonds to the United States, in such sums as the Secretary of War may direct, faithfully to account for the safe-keeping and payment of the public moneys so intrusted to him for disbursement. Sec. 15. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to provide H P¤*,*i¤ilX¤g`<;¤ eg} for participation by any part or the organized militia of any tate or mnpmems, em. Territory on the request of the governor thereof in the encampment,