Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/852

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 339. 1903. 787 deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, as required by law, to ' abide action upon said proposition, and Whereas the Secretary of the Treasury has approved said pro i- tion of compromise and settlement for the amount tendered as aixéc- said, but is without authority to carry the same into effect by a conveyance to said parties of the interest of the United States in said real estate: Therefore, Be it emwted by the Senate and House of lfeprecentatives of the United States ofxlmeriea in Oongreee assembled, 'That all the right, title, and C(§I<I{$s$¤C°*°¤¤°¤ interest of the United States of, in, and to all that certain tract of land, <>erm'¤ United with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, commencing at §}§.3é,,m1:?}'?' H2? a point three thousand nine hundred and sixty feet, more or less, north "°g0uu{{*m% o the east and west line between sections one and twelve, township sixteen north, range seventeen east, and six hundred and five and threetenths feet, more or less, west of a point in the center of the Western Railway track, where it is crossed by the public road, which is a continuation of Court street, Montgomery, on the road or street leading from the Western Railway track into the "fair" or “exposition ’ glxgounds, on the land of the Montgomery Land and Improvement mpan , and runnin along and on said road or street west one thousand, nine hundred and eighty feet; thence turning an angle of seventy-nine degrees fourteen minutes to the right, or north, three hundred and sixty-one feet; thence seventeen degrees four minutes to the right nine hundred and sixty-three feet; thence live de ees twenty-three minutes to the left one thousand three hundred and fdrt . feet to a fpoint near the east and west line between the north and south halves o the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, township seventeen north, ran e seventeen east; thence at a right angle east one thousand three Eundred and thirty feet, more or less; thence south one thousand three hundred and eighteen feet; thence east along the line between said section thirty-six and said section one nine hundred and fifty feet; thence in a southerly direction one thousand three hundred and thirty feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, containing about one hundred acres, more or less, being the same premises heretofore known as "The Montgomery Race Track," and which was inclosed by a fence, said lands ying and being situated in the northeast quarter of section one, township sixteen north, range seventeen east, and in the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, township seventeen north, range seventeen east, all near the city of Montgomery, in the county of Montgomery and State of Alabama, exceptm the lot ’**°°¤**°¤· heretofore sold by the Montgomery Land and Improvement Compan to I. L. Watkins, trustee, and now claimed by James S. Pinckard; trustee, set forth and described in the next succeeding section of this bill, be, and the same is hereby, divested out of the I. nited States and vested 1D the Southern Cotton Oil Company. Sec. 2. That all the right, title, and interest of the United States m{:ggj¤ S- Pi¤¤¤·¤*· of, in, and to all that certain tract of land, with the buildings and undvumm improvements thereon erected, lying, being, and situate in the county of .Iontgomery, State of Alabama, described as follows: The nort half of block numbered five, bounded on the north by Sixth street, on the east by Railroad street, on the south by a twenty-foot alley running east and west through the center of said block, and on the west by C street, be, and the same is hereby, divested out of the United States, and vested in James S. Pinckard, as trustee. _ _ Sec. 3. That all the right, title, and interest of the United States i,’;°v*(`§S,{•§;',{f”"Y- of, in, and to all that certain storehouse and lot situated in the city and county of Mont omery and State of Alabama, and known as number twenty-two South Perry street, formerly number sixteen Perry street, be, and the same is hereby. divested out of the United States and vested in Bessie R. Maultsby.