Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/864

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 487. 1903. 799 bankruptcy had not been instituted, unless by consent of the proposed defendant, except suits for the recovery of roperty under section sixty, subdivision b, and section sixty-seven, sullldivision e." Sec. 9. That subdivision a of section forty of said Act be, and the reg*;gg’°¤¤¤*i°¤ 0* same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: v01. sb, p. ssc. . “ a Referees shall receive as full compensation for their services, F°°°'°""’i“°"““°°‘ payable after they are rendered, a fee of fifteen dollars deposited with the clerk at the time the petition is Hled in each case, except when a fee is not required from a voluntary bankrupt, and twenty-five cents for every proof of claim tiled for allowance, to be paid from the estate, 1f any, as md of the cost of administration, and from estates which have been inistered before them one per centum commissions on all moneys disbursed to creditors by the trustee, or one-half `of one per centum on the amount to be paid to creditors upon the confirmation of a comrFosition." Sec. 10. hat section forty-seven is hereby amended by adding @‘,$,°’i,_ 55, thereto the following subdivision: ' " c The trustee shall, within thirty days after the adjudication, file m{,'*J,¤8 °* d¤=¤>¤¤ a certified copy of the decree of adjudication in the office where con- ` veyances of real estate are recorded in every county where the bankrupt owns real estate not exempt from execution, and pay the fee for such filing, and he shall receive a compensation of fifty cents for each copy so bled, which, together with the filing fee, shall be paid out of the estate of the bankrupt as a part of the cost and disbursements of the pr0ceedings." Sec. 11. That subdivision a of section forty-eight of said Act be, and $Q{f*;,°’I;_ 55, the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: ' "a Trustees shall receive for their services, payable after they are S,j;,°f§'mjg‘,g€d°Ym“** rendered, a fee of five dollars deposited with the clerk at the time the petition is filed in each case, except when a fee is not required from a voluntary bankrupt, and from estates which they have administered such commissions on all moneys disbursed by them as may be allowed by the courts, not to exceed six per centum on the first five hundred dollars or less, four per centum on moneys in excess of five hundred dollars and less than fifteen hundred dollars, two per centum on moneys in excess of fifteen hundred dollars and less than ten thousand dollars and one per centum on moneys in excess of ten thousand dollars. And in case of the confirmation o a composition after the trustee has qualified the court may allow him, as compensation, not to exceed one·half of one per centum of the amount to be paid the creditors on such composition? Sec. 12. That subdivision g of section fifty-seven of said Act be, and ${}f‘§;“,f_°5‘§,{,Y'“’m'· the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: " g The claims of creditors who have received preferences, voidable ,,§,1,§‘f,’Q,‘,‘?,, under section sixty, subdivision b, or to whom conveyances, transfers, assignments, or incumbrances, void or voidable un er section sixty- seven, subdivision e, have been made or given, shall not be allowed unless such creditors shall surrender such preferences, conveyances, transfers, assignments, or incumbrances." Sec. 13. That subdivisions a and b of section sixty of said Act be, $‘Q,‘¥°;§,{°,‘j_§§2°fll‘°"‘ and the same are hereby, amended so as to read as follows: _ _ "a A person shall be deemed to have given a Hpreference if, being ,,£§§§,'f‘,*{,*{,‘,§,?,,‘§,f,]"°f insolvent, he has, within four months before the ing of the petition, or after the filing of the petition and before the adjudication, procured or suffered a judgment to be entered against himself in favor of any person,or made a transfer of any of his property, and the effect of the enforcement of such judgment or transfer will be to enable any one of his creditors to obtain a greater percentage of his debt than any other of such creditors of the same class. Where the preference consists in a transfer, such period of four months shall not expire until four