Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/899

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834 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cns. 560, 561. 1903. brid e, and equal privile es in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph an telelplnone companies. P°¤°°°¤ "'m¥°· Sec. 3. That said bri ge shall be constructed as a pontoon bridge, and shall contain a drawspan giving a clear opening of not less than three hundred feet in length, which drawspan shall be maintained over the main channel of the river at an accessible and navigable ‘ point, and said bridge other than the drawspan shall be at right angles mémw to the current of the river at high water: ltmrided, That the said ` draw shall be opened promptly by said company upon the reasonable V menu. cw- signal for the passage of boats and rafts, and said company or corporation shall maintain at its own expense from sunset to sunrise such lights or other signals on said bridge as the Light—House Board shall 13¤¤¤¤¢r¤¤¤¤1 mvi- No bridge shall be erected or maintained under the authorg° °°° ity ofthis Act whic shall at any time unreasonably obstruct the free °h¤¤8¤¤· navi tion of said river; and if any bridge erected under such authority sm, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, unreasonably obstruct such navigation, e is hereby authorized to cause the entire removal thereof or such change or alteration of such bridge to be made as will eifectuall obviate such obstruction, and all su alterations shall be made andy all such obstructions shall be removed at the expense of the Litfsntivu- owner or owners of said bridge; and` in case of any litigation arising from any obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navigation of said river, caused or alleged to be caused by said bridge, the case may be brought in the district court of the United States of the State of South Dakota in whose jurisdiction any portion of said obstruction or bridpe may be located: Provided further, That nothing in this act mm I"' "°‘ sha] be so construed as to repeal or modify any of the provisions of the law now existing in reference to the protection of the navigation of rivers or to exempt this bridge from the operations of the same. Mmg w Sec. 4. That no bridge shall be commence or built under this Act °""°v° until the location thereof and the plans for its construction, with such maps as shall be necessary for a full understanding of the regimen of the river for a distance of one mile above and one—half mile below the proposed site of said bridge, shall have been submitted to and approved y the Secretary of War, and any subsemuent change in the plans, construction, or location of said bridge shall be subject to like approval. u°'[1_*¤¤•= °* °°"¤"*°· Sec. 5. That this Act shall be null and void unless the brid e herein authorized be commenced within one year and completed witiin three years from the date hereof. A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*— Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 18, 1903. February 18.1903- CHAP. 561.-An Act Authorizing the Memphis, Helena and Louisiana Railway

 Company to construct and maintain a bridge  c-: Saint Francis River, in the State

of Arkansas. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of12%68€7l¢d#?:?)08 of the United Af;_'“‘ F"““°"R“'°'· States of Amerzea in Congress assembled, t the Memphis, Helena ¤ge¤In)>¤1;,_H¤11·;;¤ir and Louisiana Railway Company, a corporation created and existing iiiy c¤`i¤p•ii; may under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Arkansas, be, and it

      • 3;;, is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain a bridge across the

°°' Saint Francis River, in the State of Arkansas, at such point in section twenty-five, township three north, range four east, in Lee County, in said State, suitable to the interests of navigation, as may hereafter be selected by said railway com ny for crossing said river with its rail- Bnilwm wagon, way line. Said bridge shall bb constructed to provide for the passage "'° f°°' °‘°‘ of railway trains, and, at the option of said rai way company, may be used for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, for the