Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/907

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842 FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 707. 1903. P’°°“°· with an law of Con ess: Provided, That the clerk or deputy clerk excddikcib fetddrdtgrslje of the Ulhited States dgdurt of each of the courts of said Territory shall be ex officio recorder for his district and perform the duties required of recorder in the chapter aforesaid, and use the seal of such court in caises seeiuiiéing al seal, arid kieep the records of such office at the office o said cer or e ut cer . D¤¤¤<>¢ •=1¤¤· It shall be the dxlitysbf each clerk or deputv clerk of such court to record in the books provided for his office all deeds, mogtgages, deeds of trust, bonds, leases, covenants, defeasances, bills of e, and other instruments of writin of or concerning lands, tenements, goods, or chattels; and where su5 instruments are for a period of time limited on the face·of the instrument they shall be filed and indexed, if desired by the holder thereof, and such filing for the period of twelve months from the iilin thereof shall have the same effect in law as if F¤¤¤¤¤“¤8·°“= recorded at length. The fees for filing, indexin , and cross indexing such instruments shall be twenty-five cents, and for recording shall be · gslget Igorth infsectipn thilrtygswg hupdredl an? forty-three of Manse s igest o ei teen un re an eig ty- our. h:0’¤P°¤¤*“°” *“ That the said clgk or deputy clerk of such court shall receive as compensation as such ex o cio recorder for his district all fees received by him for recording instruments provided for in this Act, Limit- amounting to one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum or less; umm M M- and all fees so received by him as aforesaid amounting to more than the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum shall be accounted to the Department of Justice, to be applied to the permanent school fund of the district in which mid court is located.

 Such instruments heretofore recorded with the clerk of any United

States court in Indian Territory shall not be required to again recorded under this provision, but shall be transferred to the indexes without further cost, and such records heretofore made shall be of full force and effect, the same as if made under this statute. W¤¤‘ ¤¤b¤***°“°¤¤· That wherever in said chapter the word " county" occurs there shall be substituted therefor the word "district," and wherever the words f‘State” or “State of Arkansas" occur there shall be substituted therefor the words "Indian Territory,” and wherever the words

cler§" or] "re€:orderl;’ cgcclprtthetrgi séhall be subgtituted the words

cler or epu y c er o the ni tates court. °‘·§<g_;=::é$¤¤¤¤¤¤ I All aicknotvgledgpieptbsc zfkdeeldgf of copveiyancce taken lwithirg the nnan ern rysa en oreacer or eut cer 0 an of the coulrfs in said Tprritonyg a Ungteld States cd)mnlissioner, oth _ notary pu ic appointe in an or said errito . “°°“ °*'°°°"l‘“$· All instruments of writing the filing of whichlib provided for by law shall be recorded or tiled in the office of the clerk or deputy clerk at the place of holding court in the recording district where said property pray be located, and which said recording districts are bounded as o ows: gag? N¤· 1- District numbered one shall comprise all of the reservations hereto- ' fore existing under the Quapaw Agency, and the place of record shall be at M1am1, as provided in the In ian ap(pro riation Act for the liscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun red) and three. ppgés: Nez District numbered two shall begin at a point where the northern '“ ‘ boundary line of the Indian Territory intersects with the western boundary line of the Quapaw Agency, thence in a southerly and easterly direction, following the western and southern boundaries of the Qnapaw Agency to the west line of the State of Missouri; thence south along said boundary line to the dividing line between townships twenty- three and twenty-four north; thence west along said line to the dividing line between ranges seventeen and eighteen east; thence north along sand dividing hne to the northern boundary line of the Indian Terri-