Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/910

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FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 707. 1903. 845 Arkansas River; thence south alon said eastern boundary line of the Indian Territory to the base line; thence west along said base line to the meridian line between ranges twenty and twenty-one east; thence north on said meridian line to the Canadian River; thence- down said Canadian River to its confluence with the Arkansas River; thence down said Arkansas River to the place of beginning. The place of record for district numbered fourteen shall be Poteau. District numbered fifteen. Beginning at a point where the meridian g)*g'*5Q°L§X;;j€ line between ranges twenty and twenty-one east crosses the townshi u` line between townships seven and eight north; thence sorrth on said meridian line to the township line between townships two and three north; thence west on said township line to the range line between ranges eighteen and nineteen east; thence south along said ran e line to the line between townships one and two north; thence west aIong said township line to the western boundary line of the Choctaw Nation; thence north on said boundary line to the South Canadian River; thence down said river to the point where the dividing line between townships seven and eight north intersects said river; thence east along said township line to the point of beginning. The place of record for district numbered fifteen shall be South McAlester. District numbered sixteen. Beginning at a point where the South H§f’°‘N°·1°- Canadian River intersects with the wester·n boundary line of the Choctaw Nation; thence south on said boundary line to the township line between townships one and two south; thence west on said townshi line to the range line between ranges three and four east; thence north along said range line to its intersection with the South Canadian River; thence down said South Canadian River, following the meanderings thereof, to the place of beginning. The place of record for district numbered sixteen shall be Ada. _ District numbered seventeen. Beginning at a point where the town- }`,§”,§'3R$£§,{7‘ ship line between townships four and five north intersects the range line between ranges three and four east; thence south along said range line to the base line; thence west on said base line to the meridian line between ran es four and five west; thence north on said meridian line to the townsdrip line between townships four and five north; thence east on said township line to the place of beginnin . The place of record for district numbered seventeen shall be Paulsballey. District numbered e` hteen. Beginning at a point at the South g¥rT8YiN°‘ m' Canadian River where ltgre same intersects the range line between ranges three and four east; thence south on said ran e line to the township line between townships four and five north; Srence west on said township line to the meri ian line between ranges four and five west; thence north on said meridian line to the South Canadian River; thence down said South Canadian River, following the meanderings thereof, to the place of beginning. The place of record for district numbered eighteen shall be Purcell. District numbered nineteen. Beginning at a point on the South ggfkzgg-19- Canadian River where the same intersects the meridian line between ranges four and five west; thence south along said meridian line to the base line; thence west on said base line to the western boundary line of the Indian Territory; thence north alon said western boundary line to the Canadian River; thence down sait? Canadian River, following the meanderings thereof, to the place of beginning. The place of record for district numbered nineteen shall be (ihickasha. District numbered twenty. Beginnin at a point on the western £§§f¤if*N°·“°- boundary line of the Indian Territory wghere same intersects the base line; thence south along said western boundary line to the Red River; thence down said Red River to its intersection with the range line between ranges two and three west; thence north along said range line to the base line; thence west on said base line to the place of