Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/966

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]:`IFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 755. 1903. 901 at nine hundred dollars each; messenger in charge of mails, nine hundred dollars; six assistant messengers; in all, one hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. Orricn THIRD Assrsuur PosrMAsTnR·GnNnRAL: For Third Assist- P0*,f‘;,§,§g€,@*;°,,'f,‘ ant Postmaster-General, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief ¤1¢rk¤»¢¢¤· ' clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; superintendent posta e—stamp supplies and postmasters’ accounts, two thousand five hundred, dollars; superintendent of system of postal finance, who shall give bond in such amount as the Postmaster-General ma determine for the faithful discharge of his duties, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; superintendent of classification division, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; four special a ents, classification division, at two thousand dollars each; c ief of {Des and records division, two thousand dollars; chief of redemption division, two thousand dollars; superintendent of registry system, two thousand five hundred dollars; six assistant superintendents of registry system, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks of class four; twentiv-one clerks of class three; twenty-seven clerks of class two; forty c erks of class one; twenty-three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger; five assistant messengers; nine laborers; in all, two hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. For per diem allowance for assistant superintendents of registry. di1;;;m·}i¢¤» Wm system, when actually traveling on business of the Post—OiHce Depart- ' ment, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster-General, not exceeding four dollars, and for other actual and necessary traveling expenses arisin in connection with business of the registry system, ten thousarid mlollars. f I H d or per diem allowance or s cia agents, classi cation ivision, P¢!di¢¤¤·¤1¤¤¤ifi<=¤- when actual] traveling on businegg of the Post-Oihce Department, at mu divm°n` a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster-General, not exceeding four dollars, and for other actual and necessary traveling expenses arising in connection with the business of the classification division, seven thousand dollars. _ Ormcn Fomrrn Assrsrnrr Posrmssrnn-GENERAL: For Fourth PfQ2,},},§§}},,§Q?}f,§§,§‘1f Assistant Postmaster-General, four thousand five hundred dollars; °l*=*k¤··i*•=~ chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief post-office °"i°*‘““"’°'°" inspector, three thousand dollars; chief clerk of mail depredations, two thousand dollars· chief of appointment division, two thousand dollars; chief of bond division, two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; twenty-one clerks of class three; twelve clerks of class twotwenty clerks of class one; stenogra her, one thousand six hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand) two hundred dollars; twelve clerks, at one thousand dollars each; seven clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; page, four hundred and eighty dollars; page, three hundred and sixty dollars; one messenger; t ree assistant messengers; and four laborers; in all, one hundred and twenty-five thousan one ` hundred and eighty dollars. Orrrca or rorocnarnnnz For to rapher, two thousand seven hun- m'f,`,‘}}"g§g`f‘P”°’·d'““‘ dred and fifty dollars; three skilledodra smen, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four skilled draftsmen, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; three skilled draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three skilled draftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; examiner, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; map mounter, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant map mounter, who shall be a mechanic, one thousand dollars; four copyists of maps, at nine hundred dollars each; assistant map mounter, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one assistant messenger; in all, thirty-two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars. Orricn or nrsntmsme cnmucz Disbursin clerk and superintendent e,£i=°“”i’·‘¤ °*°'k· of buildings, two thousand two hundred antlfifty dollars; bookkeeper