Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/602

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DECLARATION—PROJE(J'1`ILES FROM BALLOONS. JULY 29, 1899. 1839 Declaration to prohibit for the term o e ears the launchi o - ·’“‘Y 2**- 1899- jectileo and mrplosivea from other new met%daf¢gy‘7'•0 a similar nature. Signed at The Hague July 29, 18.99; ratification. advised by the Senate February 5, 1900,* ratified the Hmdmit 2; tlie United States April 7, 1.900· ratification osited with t l%therlande Government Septemder 4, 1.900; proc aimed Zlrovember 1, 1901. - Br mn Pimsmmnr or run UNITED Snrus or Aimmoa. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Declaration prohibiting for a term of five years the "‘°‘“'“"°· larmching of projectiles or explosives from balloons, or by any other _ new methods of similar nature, was signed at the H e on July 29th., 1899, by the respective Pleni tentiaries of thenlllnited States of America, Germany, Austria-Siingary, Belgium, China, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, France, Greece, Italy, Jaw, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, umania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of which Declaration in the French language is word for word as follows: [Translation.] Dtenammou. DECLARATION. Lessoussi és,Pléni teutiaires The Undersi ned, Pleni ten- ,"’“_§,"“¤ "“°““l d°°‘ des Puissangels représgiitées ri la tiaries of the Pldwers repregeénted Conference Internationale de la at the International Peace Confer- Paix a La Haye, dument autorisés ence at The Hague, duly authora cet eifet par leur·s Gouverne- ized tothat effect by their Governments, s’inspirant des sentiments ments, inspired by the sentiments qui ont trouvé leur expression dans which found expression in the Decla Declaration de St. Pétersbourg laration of St. Petersburg of the du 29Norembre 1868 29th November (11th December), 11 Décembre ’ 1868, Dcclarentz Declare that: _ _ Les Puissances contractantes The Contracting Powers agree ,,L‘“’}§§Q,Q'8b,§}§°0{,°;’é consentent, pour une durée de to prohibit, for a term of five prohibited. cinq ans, a Pinterdiction de lancer years, the launching of projcctiles des projectiles et des explosifs du and explosives from balloons, or haut de ballons ou par d’autres by other new methods of similar modes analogues nouveaux. nature. La présente Declaration n`est The present Declaration is only *’°"°”"°“¤‘l· obligatoire que pour les Puissances binding on the Contracting Powcontractantes, en cas de (guerre ers in case of war between two or entre deux ou plusieurs ’entre more of them. _ Elles. Elle cessera d’étre obligatoire It shall cease to be binding from E¤°¤P“°¤- du moment ou dans une guerre the time when, in a war between entre des Puissauces contractantes, the Contracting Powers, one of the