TREATY—BELGIUM. Ocronun 26, 1901. 1901 Axrrrcnn XI. Anrronm XI. The Epresent convention shall La présente convention sera E“°°°· take) e ectfthiptty days after the %£?1\;t0l1't:l tren§ ]ours apres exc ange 0 ra 1 ca 1ons. nge es ra catio s. thAfter it shall hp.? take; eifggcit, h A partir de ga mise aldxecution, v°'f,$1FgI*j¤g}*°_$u*;fe°*;g· e conven 1on 0 une , , convention u 13 juin 1882 ces- 1882. ' shall cease to be in force and shall sera d’etre en vigueur et sera rem- Vol. 22. .972. be superseded by the present oon- placée par la présentc convention, P vention which shall continue to aquelle continuera a sortir ses ef- . have binding force for six months fets pendant six mois apres qu’elle after a desire for its termination aura été dénoncée par l’un des shall have been expressed in due deux gouvernements. form by ope xg] the two govern· . . mentstot eo er.; It shsllllbe ratiiileld 1;:1 its G Elle sera ratigéle et les n*§,f,gQf*¤€° °* '¤'*“· cation be exe n at - `ons en seron c ang s as - in ton as soon as possible. in§on aussitét que possible. In witness whereof, the respect- _ n foi de quoi les plénipotenti- Sisnowm ive plenipotentiaries have signed a1res respectifs ont sipna es artnthe above articles both in the Eng— cles c1-dessus dans es langues 11sh and French languages, and francaise et anglaise et y ont they have hereunto aiiixed their apposé leurs sceaux. Done, in duplicate, at the City _ Aiusi faitpar duplicates Washof Washington this 26 day of Octo- mgton-le 26 Octobre 1901. ber 1901. . Jomr Har [sun,. Wnnnns. _[sm1.. And whereas the said Convention, as amended by the Senate of the "°****°°“°°· Unitedf Sltates, has been duly ratified gn both patriltskalnd l'»g1%I‘8$lLflC8.· tions 0 the two governments were exc an in e 'ty o as 'ngton, on the fourteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twofNp1wg1ertefdo1ée, be itfkpdwn thatm I, Theodgrehltoemvglt, President "°°‘“““"*°"· 0 the ni tates o erica, ve cause the said onvention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof, as amended, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seag of the United States oi America Ito be atlixedi] J h one at the City of 'as ington, t is ourteent day of une in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two," and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. [SEAL.]- Trmononn Roosnvmxr By the President: J om: HAY Secretary of State. nmcnxnnox DECLARATION. The Senate of the United States, Le Sénat des Etats-Unis, par sa 1>¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤ by its resolution of January 30, resolution du 30 flanvier 1902, .1».u,p.1sas. 1902, havinghgivengts advice Blad ayamt d01iné sonnawzs et gonsenteé consent to the rati cation o the men a a rati ea ion u trait extradition treaty between the d’extradition entre’les Etats-Unis United States and Belgium, signed et la Belgique, signe a Washington
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