Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/704

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ADDITIONAL A(J`T—INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. DECEMBER 14, 1900. 1941 ~ .• VII.—L’article 11 aura la teneur VII. Article 11 shall read as folsuivante: lows: r. · ABT. 11.-Les Hautes Parties ABT. 11. The high contracting t.Pr¤¢¤¤¤i¤¤¤>i¤v;=>¤1- contractantes accorderont, con- parties shall accord conformably tigiiif °m" at °xmb1` formement a la legislation de cha- to the legislation of each country ,,X,,"j}d€,f5» P· """· que pays, une protection tem — a temporary protection to patentraire aux inventions brevetablleg, able inventions, to industrial deaux dessins ou modeles industriels, signs, or models, as well as to tradeaiusi qu’aux marques de fabrique marks for the productions which ou de commerce, pour les produits shall be shown at official or ofliqui figureront aux Expositions cially recognized International internationales oHicielles_ ou ofh- Expositions organized upon the ciellement reconnues, organisees territory of one of them. sur le territoire de l’nne d’elles. VIII.-Uarticle 14 aura la te- VHI. Article 14 shall read as neur suivante: follows: . Am`. 14.-La presente Conven- ART. 11. The present Conven- Revision. tion sera soumise a des revisions tion shall be submitted to periodiques eu vue d’y introduire periodical revision for the purles ameliorations de nature 5. per- pose of introducing improvements fectiouner le systeme de l’Un1on. calculated to perfect the system 7 - of the Union. =A cet eifet, des Conferences With this object conferences auront lieu successivement, dans shall take place successively in Pun des Etats contra tants, entre one of the contracting States beles Delegues desdits Etats. tween the delegates of said States. VME u12i P- 1¤’·78» IX.-Ijarticle 16 aura la teneur IX. Article 16 shall read as fol- mm ' suivante: lows : Ama 16.-Les Etats qui n’ont ABT. 16. The States that have m§n<E0¤¤gmt<g& ¤*>¤· point pris part a la presente Con- not taken part in the present con- W vention seront admis a y adherer vention shall be admitted to adsur leur demande. here to the same upon their appli- · cation. Cette adhesion sera notifies par This adhesion shall be notified la voie diplomati ue au Gouverne- through the diplomatic channel to ment de la Confederation suisse, et the Government of the Swiss Conpar celui-ci a tous les autres. federation and by the latter to all the others. Elle emportera, ue plein droit, It shall convey of full right, acaccession a toutes les clauses et cession to all the clauses, and adadmission ia tous les avautages mission toallthe advantages stipustipules par la presente Conven- lated by the present convention, tion, et produira ses effets un mois and shall go into force a month ,,,,Y§,l;,_,(§’*“· ¥‘· *37* apres l`envoi de la notification faite after the sending of the notification ` par le Fouvernement suisse aux given by the Swiss Government to autres Ztats unionistes, a moins the other Unionist States, unless a qu’une date posterieure n’ait ete later date shall have been indicated indiquee par ’Etat adherent. by the adhering State. ARHCLP] 2. Axrrronn 2. Le Protocole de cloture annexe The Final Protocol annexed to

 la Convention internationale du the International Convention of

20 mars 1883 est complete par March 20, 1883, is completed by Faddition d’un numero 3 bac, amsi the addition of a number 3 bis, as ` congu: , follows: 3 bis. Le brevete, dans chaque Am?.3bis. The patentee, in each F<pf¤i¤¤¢ M ¤¤* pays, nc pourra etre frappe de country, shall not suffer forfeiture wor mg' decheance pour cause de non- because of non-working until after exploitation qu’apres un delai a minimum period of three years, minimum de trois ans, a dater du to date from the deposit of the