Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/725

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1962CONVENTION—GREAT BRITAIN. JANUARY 24, 1903. appointed by the President of the United States, and three by H1s Britannic Majesty. All questions considered by the tribunal, rncluding the final award, shall be decided by a majority of all the members thereof. substitution. In case of the refusal to act, or of the death, incapacity or absten— tion from service of any of the persons so appointe , another impartial jurist of repute shall be forthwith appointed in his place by the same authority which appointed his predecessor. seci-entry. miiiir, The tribunal may appoint a secretary and a bailiif to perform such °°“· duties as they may prescribe, and may emlploy scientific experts if found to be necessary, and may fix a reasona le compensation for such new-ti. officers. The tribunal shall keep an accurate record of all its proceed- 1n . 0<>¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤<>¤· gltsach of the High Contractin Parties shall make compensation for the services of the members of the tribunal of its own appointment and of any agent, counsel, or other person employed in its behalf, and shall pay all costs incurred in the preparation of its case. All E¤¤¢¤¤¢¤- expenses reasonably incurred by the tribunal in the performance of its duties shall be paid by the respective governments in equal moieties. R¤8¤¥¤¤<>¤¤- The tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this convention, establish all proper rules for the regulation of its proceedings. Ancrrcrm II. Agent. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall also name one person to attend the tribunal as its agent. e written or pi-mea The written or printed case of each of the two parties, accompanied °"‘°‘°"°”“‘"“‘“°"· by the documents, the official correspondence and all other evidence in writing or print on which each party relies, shall be delivered in duplicate to each member of the tribunal and to the a ent of the othe1· party as soon as may be after the organization of die tribunal, but within a period not exceeding two months from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this convention. cgiagé case to be Within two months after the delivery on both sides of the written '“ ‘ or printed case, either party may, in like manner, deliver in duplicate to each member of the tribunal, and to the agent of the other party, a counter-case and additional documents, correspondence and evidence in reply to the case, documents, correspondence and evidence so presented by the otheiédparty. The tribunal may, however, extend this last mentioned when in their judgment it becomes necessary b reason of speca difficulties which may arise in the procuring of such additional papers and evidence. etgyvies of rewm. If in the case submitted to the tribunal either party shall have specified or referred to any_report or document in its own exclusive possession without annexing a copy, such party shall be bound, if the other party shall demand it, within thirty days after the delivery of the case, to furnish to the party applying for it a dul certified copy thereof; and either party may call upon the other, through the tribunal, to produce the original or certified copies of any papers adduced as evidence, giving in each instance such reasonable notice as the tribunal may require; and the original or copy so requested shall be delivered as soon as may be and within a period not exceeding forty day); after receipt of notice. F**i•i¤¤¢·>· cw- ch party may present to the tribunal all pertinent evidence, documentary, historica , geographical, or topographical, including ma s andcharts, in 1ts POSQBSSIOD or control and applicable to the rightfiil decision of the questions submitted: and if it a pears to the tribunal that there is evi ence pertinent to the case in the possession of either party, and which has not been produced, the tribunal may in its dis-