Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/815

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2054 INDEX. Boundary, Aluahm, P¤8¤- Bradford, England, P°8°· appropriation for tribunal to determine . . 1138 appropriation for consul at . Bl, 814 Boundary, (kmadian, for clark hire ... 86, 818 appropriation for dcrpnrcution of, west of Bradley, Andrew, Rocky Mountmns 1138 payment to 487 Boundmjy Commission, Mexican Water, B·radshaw,_Gem·ge W., appropriation for ...,. ; 80, 811 pension increased . 1 . 1518 Bcnmdary Convention, _ Bradshaw, Rhody Ann (undow), with Great Britain, as to Alaska . 1961 PGD8k?,} increased ... 1268 Bounty Brady, homas V. appropriation for, volunteers . 472,1137 payment of Count of Claims judgment to - 211 or seamen’s enlistment ... 664 Brakaa, Loomnotive Driving Wheel dciiciency appropriation for, volunteers . 29, 589 requirements for use of, extancied ... 943 for, destroying cncmy’s vessels . . 31, 587, 1074 Brakes, Train, for, scs.mcn’s enlistment .. 31, requirements for use of automatic, ex- 587, 589, 1074, 1076 tended .. 943 settlement of claims for, destroying Bramble, James A., B L §x;§;1{'s gcssfls .. ., ... 27 Bpensiolnuinczigilsed. 6 . . .. 1321 our ·cwi ow , mnden rg, win ., ~ pension 1512 deficiency appropriation for indexing Code 561 Bourne, Fred, ang D. {IZ Johnson, Brandt, Aaron E., _ _ appropriatiou cr paying estate of 268 payment to 489 Bouazzugh, William H E Branford Carm., pension increased- i .. . .. 1661 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 333 Bowden, Aionzo S., Branham, Edward A., Bpcnm0nBi' ... 1748 Bpcnsiog . 1551 ,., ransfor John E pension increased ... 1537 tmnsfction naval list authorized, 1529 Bowden, William E, Branson, John L., pension 1484 pension increased .,, 1407 Bowen, George K, Brant, Belle K, Bgra¤te‘;l}:10n0nblc discharge 1276 payment to .,,.,,,,,__,_,_,____,_______ _ 491 owen, 0 n, Brdtain, John W, dencifgricylfnppgopdgxtion for services . 572 Bryizensionignmézed ...,,__, 1719 en_ ga , wner, enry . _ _ pension lncmlmsd ... 1716 payment of Court of Claims gudgmeut (,0 Bowers! George E, · 137 · Lchzirs of .,.,,,.,_, 216 penmon mc ... 9 Bray a , Bowers: Sarah (widow), payiment of Court of Claims judgment to Bpc;1813uj . b . 1 279 B jmilministrator of ,_,,__ 213 vw an , amea ., mzer o ·n, ’ pension increased ... 1374 payment of French spoliation claim to gd- Bowling Cérecn, Ky., ministrator of .,...,,,,,,,___ _ ____ 229 terms o court ...,.. - .., 58 Brazil Bowman .·1¢¢,_ _ _ _ aplriopriation for minister to ..__,__ 70, 807 appropmgnon for paying claims allowed 207 acgr secretary of leggtimn ______________ 77, 303 ¤¤ 6T -·--·----·-~--·-..-.---- ciency a ropriation or cha , J h Bowvmm, Jacob, _ C. Wiii,t;e .,,,.,,,,_, 553 charge of desertion removed . 1515 Brazos Rie>er,_ Tw., B¢m·mc{n, John L., appropriation for improvement of mouth. 340 pension nricreased., . 1364 or improvement ot, Velasw m Rich. Boyd, Carclme R. (widow), mond _______________________ _ ____ 356 'pension increased .-..--. 1369 purchase of canal ..,..,,.,,_ 356 B¤!Id» G60f!!! B·» for improvement of, Richmond to Old pensmn increased ... 1255 Washington _________ _ ____________ 356 Boyd, M~¤·gwre¢ M- (widrzw), Breckzms, Mary (widow), B0};:l¤S;>¤ 1HON9S0d .. - 1340 B pgppionjnhcmued ,,,,_,,,____,_,_______ _ 1465 1 TB U1 , 0 Tl payment of Frencbfspoliation claim to ad- paymzmt m i ______________________ _ _____ _ 237 ministrator 0 224 Bremen Germany; 30.7% _$?1'”§'¤¢1 J, aptpropriation for consul at ,..,.,., __ 82, 814 pension increased ,,..,,_ 1660 { 0; clerk him ________________ _ _______ 86, 818 B¥;é:g§rm,ig')•.arles S., 1691 Breynerlag gun? (ae; Puget Sound Navy- 011 (T8 . ,., , ,_ ____________ 3, as _ _ BWTNQW, Alice (dvwyhlef), Bremmer, Abne C'. (widow), P¤¤¤¤0¤ --··----·---·-·-.. -. . -1 . 1320 pension increased .,..,_,_______ _ ____ 1595

 Dfw'? u i   R L-,

appropriation for fish hm h _,__,_,___ 1106 g g ___________________ _ ____ Brmm, .s~·~m· L., " °"’ f B.£-';’,1?.'1.‘f'K»[¤‘1,a,eMd0..>, ···· *"‘ BP¤¤¤§¤€¤l'§¤S€d ----------. 1533 pensioré · . ...,_,,__________ _ _ 1543 P'¤¢'•`, _ _¤7• -, Brealau, ermamy,

 -—----- - --------------- 1663 E Bzgrpmlpariatian for consul at ...,_ 84, 315

_,—· ~~ A ·» 5 ron y,1 ., Pension ··—·--··----·---- - ----·----··--- 1649 { appropriation for improvement of 336 B’°"dA€[d· gwrrrham. I Breu·er:¢, D. C'., P°¤S‘°¤ m°"°”·~"*?d ----~--—·-··---·—------ 1338 * fivense tax on. and agents; effect, etc ____ 627