Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/821

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2060 INDEX. 0 u omnien-Continued. Pm- § €<»mpbq1l,J¤m¢¤ P- "“g€· ‘ apgnclamution restoring part of landg of \ p6B510D 1¤1Gl’€¤-BGA -----------·-· - -·-----— 1634 ` Mission Indians to public domain- . 1970 { Campbell, James T, Addition;] ______ _ _________________ :__ _ 2005 i payment of Court Of C131H1S Judgment VJ public-land receipts in, to be used for im- l adnunrstrawr of ------~--—----·- — · 207 garion .-.------...------·--·- 388 Campbell, John 0., resurvey of lands in San Diego County . . . 728 pension increased . . . 1412 California Débris Commi-Ssiwo, Campbell, John S., · apgropriation for expenses ... ~£67, 1132 pgugigu iucmgggd _______,_,, - ... 1624 de cicucy approlgriation for .--...--- 29 Campbell, John W, .

 Dldiim '8W7'b¢M6€8, pgugiqm increased . . . 1472

pensions to survivors, ctc-, of ..-. 399 Campbell, Joseph D., · Califmmla State P"l8<m» _ l payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 207 deficiency appropriation for clothing, etc., , glmpbeyy 1,,;,,5, An (,,1-5,],,,,,),

 to navy prisoners on discharge  1054 I pension __________________, _  1271

Calhm. A-. campuzz, S. w., P€¤$i0¤ i¤€Y9$¤€d· ·------·--·---·--··-·- 1420 appropriation for advances, 9W ...------- 1000 0¤1l.S¤m¤¤¢·l. _ _ Campbell, mug B., gold medal of honor to, relief of Arctic Payment 05 com 0; Chime Judgment fo _ 207 whaling fleet . 492 gampbeuy Ivilhhyn ,4,, Callco. Pm, pension sm-emo .. 1369 &ppmmt?n for corysulpt . 81, 813 gampbcy, Vwgljgyyg K, ‘ Wm mW" » W t rts ‘ t to x¤¤y¤¤¤¤¢ vf Frvrrcg ¤p¤|¤¤ti¤¤ ckim *0 ¤d— paymesdugamgzgacosor . l . - 214 ministmtor oéimrviviug partner . . . 226 Oammm P I Caloosahaichee River. a.,aQ N;] - &pp,;p%¤0¤ for improvement or 353 m,;¤;{ggvg,&*;_jargf*Cgj;;} g?·;j¤* -----—--- 67** um , • . · . appmghégn for light mum kcepefs de5c1a;<g¤ ppmpmtion for damag to we mg . i ''’'‘’°‘'’°'‘`’`’ for improvement of harbor . 463, 1125 C“Md“» _ _ __ _ 11gm.1mm kecpcfs dwelling authorized . 107 E ¤1>vr<>1>¤1¤¢¤¤¤f<>r d¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤_<>f boundary modiicstion or bmkwam mumsm . - Ms _ , W¤¤¤» WM ¤**h·= IP<¤=k1•=¤ - -_ --·---- 1138 C"'"'"" ”‘"·*q,m,, ,,,,0,,, ‘ c,,,,, .':l§E§£2’$Z3fa§‘§0“¥.‘$2’£‘t?2?1 ¥€‘§€?A‘g'““°“‘“‘ {E}? bauthat, . _ -··-----·-· ndgeyu _________________________ Hs 660 rules for wy of aliens from, to at Hammond, Ind ... `. 660 Nm -_ ---·-·---·- ; ·-—-·--··-·-- 1221 Calumet River, Ill. and Ind., g':;;:? glsfgsthmlxn Cum-])- 'an i . ‘ ~ . . . . .

gig? for mpmvcmem 0 I treaty with Great Bnium to f2.c1l1t.atc conappmpmuou my dredging mm-  sez   ¤tr¤¢¤<>¤ vf —--------------------- 1903

C'al1·0, Arturo R., Canarme @1% N Y.: may receive instruction at West Point 7-17 , apprjupnntron for improvement of harbor. 334 Cambha Irma Company, { Cauceling Qfaphmca, Poalul Service, claim of agents for, referred to Court of · appropriation for rental or purchase of. 111,1169 Claims; payment . . ... 764 . limit of rents] r . 1169 (kzmbnzlge, Md., report on ndvisabnhty of purchase, em 1169

 apgmyization for improvement of harbor. 338 V Chmirld', .·t{onz» 1*23

hm: vn, e., pension nrnensee ... 1695 dappmpdetion for improvement of harbor. 331 ’ (/;,,y;,·]4' _],,,;,,,, mvfqm -· n9¤», _ n pension in<·rease< .. 1360 Pension IUCVRG --·-------· - --·--·---·· 1026 I "(hnnnicus," Ironclnd Jfrmitor, G¤W’*’Q’•» Charlfv K·» claim for extra compensation referred to pension increased ... 1628 Coun of Claims _________________ _ 2.;,.; Caimenm, Jnlm J, · Canllru, Wilhkun G., deficiency aghxropriation forpayment tu. 582, 1068 penéion gum-eased _______________________ I555 Cum? Ch“{"·_ i°· Chntma Chinn uppmwll. wil im “¥’,p';’¥"i““j;“ f" °‘{“”“l at ·············· 81 Campbdh A or consu genera at .. 813 C¤¤¤ym;¤;¤§{. ·~~——·-·—-—-—~--—s———--—»-- *86 gw2K ‘§?3€‘J£?T° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “’ "“‘ mpbe ’ ‘ " appropriation for asylum for insane Inpnymentto 630 d. nc ,, a»mp1»qzz,Eum 1>. mam, *3 — ------—--·----·--··---·—-- -“·”?’ pension __________________________ _ _____ 1714((****3/·;I°hQ*» Campbell, Emma R, p<=¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤r¤¤~=¢d ---·-----·-·----------- 1547 pgyuygnt [0 _____________ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ , 491 Cape A"n1_·‘[fu8·r_ _ (;g,,,,p;,,,y_ _;,,,,,,,, appmpnaugm mr imfrovement of harbor payment of Court of Claims judgment to Of *`*"*}f.¥€· Sem Y B8}`? NPO" --—--· 331 admingstmmr of __________________ 207 ¢`<·1>e €l·¤r(~_€ Mg, ¥_rr.. Campbell, Janne; R, 8pp!‘0p!'l£tl0¤ ¥0l' Improvement of harbor; pension increased ,___ _ _,,__,____ 170] Sucbirmge ... . 336 Campbell, Lrmes JL,ilpf (bd. MM-*8., payment of Court of Claims judgment to I examination of east shore for harbor of €¤¤\¥€ oi --------··--. - ..--... 207 refuge directed ..,,__,,_ , ,______ _ _ 333