Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/903

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2142 INDEX. Marine Corps-—Continued. P¤8€· ¤ Marinette, Wis., _ P¤g€— appropriation for pay of enlisted men- - 687, 1199 l deficiency appropriation for public bu11d- additional ___,..,,,.,... 687 · mg site . I . . . r r . . 1039 retired list .. 687, 1199 I purchase of public building site authorized 1208 additional number of enlisted men ; Marion, Ind., authorized _,,_.,.,,,,_,,,,,,..,.. 687 appropriation for expenses, Vohmteer for undrawn clothing .. 687, 1199 S0ldierS’ Home 471, 1135 for mileage to officers ,,,,,.,.,. 687, 1199 deiiciency appropriation for public buildfor commutation of quarters 687, 1199 ing site .. 1039 for pay of civil force ... 687, 1199 for Volunteer S0ldicrs’ Home 14, 1049 for provisions ..,,,,.. - . 688,1200 ‘ purchase of public building sito authorshore duty ration to be same as , _ _ *ized .,... 1208 Army .. . T . 688, 1200 { Marztmua Exqhange, New _Y0:jk, exception, island possessions, etc-, 688,1200 { appropriation or tidal ind1cator .. 1099 for clothing, fuel, etc .. 688, 1200 Mark, IL C., for military stores . 688, 1200 I payment to ..,...,.. 490 ior transportation and recruiting 688, 1200 | Market Dealers, D. C., for repairs, etc., barracks ... 688, 1200 l license tax on ,,,.,. 628 for rent, supply building, Philadel- Market Masters, D. C., phia ,. 688, 1201 appropriation for salaries, etc .. 593, 958 for forage .,. - . 688, 1201 Markle, Wdlzam, for hire of quarters . 688, 1201 pension increased .,, 1579 for contingent - 689, 1201 Marks, Henry, for public works, barracks and quar- appropriation for .,..,,,,,,, 268 bers ,. - 689,1201 Marrwme, lmchzul, deficiency appropriation for hire of quark 1050 Mpension iucrleased ...,,__,_,,,_ , 1394 ters .. . . , arquette, ic ., ‘ for repairs, etc., barracks .. 18, 1050, 1052 appropriation for improvement of harbor; for contingent- 18, 30, 566, 568, 1050, 1053, 1073 contracts ...,,,__,, , , , , 344, 1126 rox- barracks, New York . 5éé-5é§-5é6 Ogg preliminary examination to be made of or transportation ... 18, , , , 1 arbor .,,.,,,,_ _ _,_______ 379 for my ---------------·-·-- 30,5%.589,1073 Mm, William et {cr givfiwhment. North Atlantic gg; im wg; payment to _ _] _________________________ 1276 O? B ·-····----·-—---~--··- » » Marrwg` e D. . fw ¤m¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤ -------------~-—-—-··—— 568 age or housgul m render void 543 for advertising, allowance of voucher - - 569 form of license modmmf ____```````` 543 for provisions 1050 Mm-,·;ed Womm ```````````` for repairs, cw-, island Of Guam ----~-- 1052 limitation uoon examination of wife of

  • <¤*·>¤sg¤ —--·-------·-—~---—--——--—·— 1053 bankmpc 798

gw mIhY¤i¥iY ¤¢<>¤>¤ ---- I ----—·----·----~ 1 053 Married www 1;. 0., or misce uneous supp ies ...,. 1053 · · ’ - · for barracks, Washington, D. C 1053 I pmwstégzaigg Brioccedmgs agamsh 542 for repairs, etc., League Island, Pa., l uarmueg Rance ````````’``' ‘ 7 7 sor iiié; 6J1Q13K Y III. I ICICI ZZZQZI $3 § “P};°Ff““QQl’? *°’ °°"“‘·g°¤***¤* M --·—~- 81, 813 for barracks, Annapolis ... ‘ 1053 ‘ V rsh lg isa ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘········ · ···~ 86:818 additional officers and enlisted men au- I ‘ a Q ’ - nwasea , mmawi . . .. . ima , "¥";'}jj;;j‘“ ;“°'° M -··~··--·—·~-— · ·--—--- 15% iilling vacancies by promotion ... 1198 l ‘ m" · ’ K""'" selections from Naval Academy, non- vpezmgn A ‘ "§ ··········· · ~·--- 1636 commissioned officers, and civil life- 1198 ‘ ""nq ’ * "' °(lm ‘°"’)· . present commissions not vacated .. 1198 Mm kwin ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘··· · ········--·· - - - ~ 1595 selections for staff departments 1198 an ’ t} "’ credit in quart»orma.ster’s accounts, directed 1053 lfpaglngzn Wglr ‘ ‘ ‘j, ‘‘‘‘‘······ · ·····----·· 490 credits directed in accounts for commuts.- ‘ M8_" ’ t {gm t" tion of marines on shore in island Mpayman ° lm y tO ········· - --··----- 1609 ·OnS__-·-___-o-,...-__·_~‘. 569¢ arahalltoutmlowa,U i I Marine- Plospital Service (see alar0Public Health Constmimm Of publ": bmlding authorized ··¤d.**¤*¤rH¤¤¤i¤*.S¢*Vi*>, = app§‘»p;¢4ta;»;;z.;; ‘·‘‘··············· 4-as I3;? approgzrcgmon for Surgeon-txeneral, clerks, 141 * Marshals, CWM]"? Courts, y Marine Hospifuls, appmpmiition fm ········· ~ -·-·-··--- ·~ 87, 819 appropriation for Cleveland, Ohio, boiler l M“"h"l‘°* Lnlted Smt"" qwmv plant ____________________________ 423$Pg1’9P¤¤{€10HfofS¤;l&lj1eB,etcqadvances 475, 1141 for New York, mae of sim, emu _ _ 423 I e ciency appropriation for salzmes,efc .- 32, for Savannah, ...,,. 423 I 579, 587, 1065, 1077 for Pittsburg, Pa .. 423 I bond of, Alaska, may be incromsed , 2 for Buffalo, N, Y , _ ____ _ 423 extra allovvauce to, conducting baukmpys authorized at Savannah, Ga . . . - 75 b\181!1€S§ for a limited period ______ 797 Buffalo, N. Y ..._._,__,_ _ ___________ _ 90 fees 8ll0Weji m felony msgs, gw_, Indian Pittsburg, Pa ,,_.,___,_____,__________ 93 Temiory ..,,_ , ______________ _ _ __ 395 contracts authorized, Savannah, Pittsburg, to ¤€1'V€ _W1f1¢S, GW., Spanish Claims Comand Buffalo ...,.,.., - 423 mission . , ,,,,_________ ___ 550 purchase of books, etc., permitteo ... 423 . Martin Ferry, Ala., ¤’¤¤¤f€; of hud f1‘0¤1 3Y§€¤8-lt Pltmburg, _ * bndgc authorized across Choctawbamhoo 3·, 3SIH8U.D€•hOEp1t·3.lSlCC-... ],0b8` Rgvgrgt ___ _______ ______--'.---'- 1225