Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/963

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2202 INDEX. Quartermastefs Department—C0ntinued. P¤~8¢-Quincy, _ _ _ _ P¤S€· appropriation for incidental expenses-.. 514, 936 appropriationfor improvement of Missisexm;-dury pay, etc ... 514, 936 sippn River at -------- 3€§5 interments; fumiture, etc . 514, 936 Warsaw to -·----··---·-~-·——------- 365 care, etc., of horses ... 515, 937 lot in Woodland Cemetery conveyeu to . 1 95 for purchase of horses; limit 515, 937 rebuilding draw of nudge over Mississippi purchase from officers on change of River, authorized . 120 station _,,_,,,..,,,. 937 Quincy, Mase., _ for barracks and quarters 515, 937 purchase authorized of site for pnbhc change of posts, Indianapolis, C0lum— building .---·---~ 320 bus, and Buffalo _.,...,.,,...,., 515 appropriation for . 429 limit to civilian employees 516, 937 Quo Warramo, D. C., additional land, Omaha, Nebr ... 937 court to Bx time for answer . 544 for post exchanges, etc L . 516, 937 for shelter, etc., army in the Philip- R pines 516, 938 ° for transportation ... 516, 938 Rabtf, Philip W, sale of transports forbidden ..,,.. 938 payment to 1452 due land-grant roads not bond Raccoon Creek, N J, aided ,,,___,..,.,,,_, 516, 938 appropriation for improvement of 350 rates; condition ., 517, 938 Race, Charlotte H (mother), balances for Alaska roads, etc., reap- pension 1297 propriated  ; 517 Racine Rcqf, Wis., limit of draft animals , 517, 939 appropriation for light station, etc ... 1093 transport service continued .. 939 Racine, W13., . for clothing, camp and garrison equi- appropriation for improvement of harbor. 344 page ,,._,,...,..,.,,, 517, 939 Radcliff, Samuel J, for post hospitals; Hot Springs, Ark . 517, 939 pension increased ... Q Q- . 1685 buildingatV:mc0uverBan·acks,Wash- 939 Rader, Jlfichael, for hospital stewards’ quarters ... 517, 939 pension increased ... 1620 for shoctin ranges, etc . 517,939 Rajferty, Rosetta E. (widow), for gcnerallospxtals .. 517 pension increased . . . 1695 for warehouse, Omaha, Nebr .. 730 Radey, Anthony J, for storehouse, Schuylkill Arsenal . 1130 pension increased .., 1484 repairs,. ... 1130 Railroad Routes, Postal Service, deficiency appropriation for regular sup- appropriation for mail transportation by. . 115, plies .. 29, 586, 589, 1073, 1076 1172 reappropriation 1045 deficiency appropriation for mail transporfor incidental expenses .. 29, 586, 589, 1073 i tation by . 1061 for transportation. 29, 586, 589, 1073, U)76, 1077 , Railroads, » Morgazfs Louisiana and Texas Rail- E punishment for robberies, etc., on, in the road and Steamship Company . 1045 1 Territories ... 727 forclothing, and camp and garrison equi- 5 rules for admission of aliens by, to be prepage 29, 586 ‘ scribed .. 1221 for barracks and quarters 29, 586, 589 l Railroads, Cornmwrianer 0]] for headstones, soldiers’ graves 29, appropriation for, clerk, etc .. 455, 1119 . 586, 1073, 1076, 1077 office to terminate June 30, 1903 . 456 for burial of indigent soldiers .. 29 » June 30, 1904 .,,,. 1119 for post, Philippine Islands ... 1045 I Railroads, D. C., for shooting ranges, etc . .. 1045 I joint use of union station and terminals by for Fort Brady, -Iich., rebuilding ..,,. 1045 I connecting ...,,,_,,,_,,..,,., 918 for hospitals ..,.. 1045 { Radway Adjustments, Pogml &m,·;c€, for Fort Snelling, Minn ... 1045 ; appropriation for superintendent, gte_ _ _ 165, 999 for reimbursing, forage furnished Marine 1 Railway Companies, Corps .. _ .. 1053 g granted rights of way through Indian Tersupplies furnished Marine Corps . 1053 5 ritory ...,,_ _ _____________ 47 Quarters, Army, i Railway Mail &rz·ice, appropriation for . 515, 937 t appropriation for superintendent; emde ciency appropriation for ,... 29,.586, 589 ~ ployees ,_,,_________ _ _________ 115, 1172 Quzbcc, Canada, , i assi nmentslimited ___,_____________ 1173 appropriation for consul at . 82, 814 § for sugstitute clerks; vacation allowed_ _ 115 Queemwum, Md., 1 _ uyé appropriation for improvement of harbor. 336 g for uctin clerks in place of injured. . 115, 1173 Qvximai-ell Iudahm, g for travjing expenses ____ _ ____ ____ 115, 1173 appryriatiou for support, etc., of .. 256, 992 · for miscellaneous expenses ,__,,,.., 116, 1173 Qmck, amen IZ, _ _ for per diem, assistant superintendents . 116, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 216 ¢ · 1173 Qui!-eh-mg Igzdium, l deficiency appropriation for acting clerks appropriation for support, etc., of ., 256, 992 I and death allowances _____________ 759 Qumby, John, L for rent, Washington __________ _ ______ 759 payment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- ; punishment for unlawful entry of car or Qu_ BHl®St?lT0f of . , . . 220 l compartmenp ______ _ _____________ 1176 mcg 1-2 e ompany, A assaultin tal clerk h' ut . . . "' may rebuud _ dmwbridge across Missis· T Railway Pm8D_? Cara, W ue Ou d y HM; sippx Bxver, Quincy, I11 ... 120 · appropriation for postal service ... 115,1172