934 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. the actual weight of the packages, packing, or receptacles thereof, respectively, in which such merchandise is customarily imported. and, upon such ascertainment, to prescribe regulations for estunating the `dutiable weight or quantity of such merchandise, and thereafter such merchandise imported in such customary packing, packages, and receptacles shall be entered and the duties thereon levied and collected upon the basis of such estimated dutiable weight or quantity. _ PROHIBITED IMPORTATIONS. ,,0*;********* *¤P°’°¤· Sec. 6. That the importation of the following articles is prohibited: (1) Dynamite, gunpowder, and similar explosives, and lirearms of all descriptions and detached parts therefor, unless the importer shall produce a special authorization for landing issued to him by the civil governor. (2) Books, pamphlets, or other printed matter, paintings, or illustrations, ii ures, or other ob]ects of an obscene or 1I1d6C00h character. (3% Roulgtte wheels, gambling layouts, dealing boxes, and all other mac ines, ap)paratus, or mechanical devices used in gambling, or used in the distri utiondof money, cigarsilpr other articles, when such distribution is depen ent upon lot or c nce. Anumvmnons. Sec. 7. That the following abbreviations shall be employed in the tariff: G. W. equals gross weight. ' N. W. equals net weight. Hectog equals hectogram. · Kilo equals kilogram. Kilos equals kilograms. _ Hectol equals hectoliter. _ dull,?;};) ,;gP:;},*_*°h 0 Sac; mt ignqlge money of the United States, r v n *. }{*·gf§w¤{f$“*6*; 35,0, _ Sec. 9. That the metrical sylstem of weights and measures as authorp. 704. ized by sections thirty-five undred an sixty-nine and thirty-five hundred and seventy of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and at present in use in the Philippine Islands, shall be continued. _ hhe meter is equal to thirty-nine and thirty-seven one—hundredths 1nc es. bThe bitir is equal to one and five hundred and sixty-seven tenthousand t squarts wine measure. hThe kélqlgraiu isi equal tod two and two thousand and forty-six tenthousand t s un s, avoir upois. I¤¤¤¤¤·¤°¤¤ *¤>¤§ Sec. 10. Thlit importations from the United States are dutiable United States dun , , , me. under the provisions of this Act, but no customs duties shall be imposed on articles, goods. or merchandise transported only from one plape or port to anot er place or_ port in the Philippine Islands. me-— on imports. Sec. 11. That the rates of duties to be collected on articles, goods, png merchandise 1mported into the Philippine Islands shall be as o ows: I emhmml Crass I.—STONES, EARTHS, ORES, GLASS, AND CERAMIC rnonucrs. Groupl. (}ROUP1.—-SIONES AND mnrns EMPLOYED IN BUILDING, Aars, AND - MAxUFAc’rU1u:s. 1. Marble, onyx, jasper, alabaster, andsimilar fine stones: ejggggdjgz (a) In the rough, orin dressed(p1eces squared or prepared for · (b) glsgapiqgg G. Yi .,tpne hpn reddkilos, fifty cents; .. a s. aes ors pso any imens' l‘hd t M onle hundredkkilos, two dollalgi, P0 IS 9 or no l ar e a `xe to or pac ed with and belon i t f `t shall be liable to the same duty as the furnituiiellg 0 mlm um
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