Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1533

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IN DEX. oh); United Slaies Courts-Continued. P¤8€· 1 United States Wssels, page, Arizona, additional judge authorized . 998 l to be used in carrying army and navy Georgia. southern district, southwestern supplies ,,.,,.,, ,, .,,,,,,,., , - 518 _ dwision created . .. 999 Lhiversal Postal Congress, _ P1erce County transferred to southwest- appropriation for United States delegate- . 430 8171 diViSi0l1 .. 161 for expenses of delegates _,,,,__,_,_,__ 1082 Illinois, reorganized into three districts. - - 993 University of Arizona, ' Indian Territory, procedure in appeals and issue of bonds to improve agricultural ex· Wl'l¢S of 617*01* , 1081 periment station eonflrmed ________ 556 southern district, term at Marietta . 60 University of Minnesota, ‘ Iowa southerén district, Davenport division condemned cannon donated to __,________ 1232 OYIDG .. 546 University of Montana, Louisiana western district, new division land granted, for observatory site 64 created ... 841 Updike, Hannah, and Lydia Haj}, Missouri eastern district, southeastern` di- payment of Court of Claims judgment to vision created . 626 administrator of .. 770 Linn and Charlton counties transferred Upham, Charles C., » to  ;. . 164 payment of Court of Claims judgment to New Mexico, additional justice author- administrator of .. 770 ized . 542 Upper East Bay, Fla., North Carolina eastern district, additional appropriation for improvement of 1127 clerks , . - . 1004 Upper Pend d’ Orville Indians, Mont., Oregon circuit judge may hold district I allotment of lands on Flathead Reservacourt in absence, etc., of district tion to ... 303 judge .,,,,... 527 Upshur, Castia Parke, Washington, eastern and western districts payment to 804 created ,__,,,..,.. . ... 824 Urbana Oreck, Va., appeals, etc., from Beaumont, Tex., to cir- appropriation for improvement of 1124 cnit court of appeals, New Orleans, I Urquhart, Richard A., La _________,_,,__,,, ‘ ,,.,...,,..,. 5 9 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 746 awards in claims to be on settlement ot Uruguay, Paraguay and, auditor having jurisdiction ,... 41 appropriation for m1n1stcr to ... 68, 916 (71'I€I'B’ and bailiiEEs’ pay increased. . -: . Z . - - 1259 mah, bail ¤11<>w<>d uP0H 9·PP€a1S in Cnmmal appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, cases not capital, Indian Territory. 80 Bm _____ _ ______ _ _______________ 130, 676 circuit 60W2u3f 9~PP€$l¤¢ t€¥'m· MoU80m' 249 for incidental expenses, Indian servi;34 Gry, .------·-·-·---· - ----—-·~ in ,1059 FSYBWB C0¤¤W mnsfcneq {Wm Texas for Indian school in southern ... 215, 1076 W8S¢8¤1 to S0¤th€¥'¤ d1§t¤€t --·---- 612 deficiency appropriation for surveyor-gem jurisdiction in trade-mark suits .. Z . - - 728 om] _________________,_, , ,__,,_,., 1253 · 0\‘€1"Ap;l‘t of HOK SP¥’i¤gS R8?-‘€!`V8t*0¤» 1g_ printing ordered of report of irrigation in- 1* - - ..-----··-- ~·- ¢ l , vesti tion in - .. 585 terms, Albany, Ga ...- · ---·· 999 1 Uintah lan? district established; counties. 1014 Athens, Ga .. . ..-.------- - 161 , Ure Indiana, (Yynfederaled Bands, Bigstone Gap, Va ... . .--·- 249 { appropriation forfuliillingtreatieswith. 200,1055 Cano, Ill - .· · -·-·· { dellcienuy appropriation for support . 34 Cape Girardeau, M0 ... - ------ 624 l Him, N. )., Chicaep, Illl . . ...·-------· [ made u port of delivery I . I 45 Danvi e, I .. . -·---·- _ immedimcemransportatiou privi •·;:v¤ Davenport, Iowa . . ...--·---- __ 5** 1 r nted .. N5 East Saint Louis ... . -----··- 500, 995 Uiillu, figmtgluma, Femnndina, Fla .. . ... H9 l appropriation for consul at . 77, 926 Freeport, Ill . . . -.---·- 993 l Great. Falls, `lgont . ·-----· V- 9 ,,... . 9 l §;e§;‘,§?g’TB£n ________________ _ ____ 545 ? I'Strer! Nprlhzzzsl, D. C, ’_ _ F 841 F roceedm ., to condemn land for mdenmg. 020 Lake Charles, La ... . ...·-------- — I P g" . , Lewisburg, “v_ Va_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _____ 5.38 , ggggsement of beneflle to (‘(?¥’t8lYl lots . . I . . 891. Martinsburg, W_ V8 ________ _ __________ po dom-lemgy approprnatnon for condemnatmn 10 9 Milwaukee, VMS ___________ _ ,,,... Lg l V ld $;¤pi¤S<¢S» W1d€¤¤¤8 ---·--·-··---·· ·-2·- · ________ a ez, . as ·a, _ _ l**»“?·'m¢#¥*¤`€*? ··----·- ~ ·-~--·- zzz? *9*)*0}::3:::22 **·l*1* 3 I1§gl•`tll0Q;1kinnl1, WQH ZZZZZZZZZZ- 825 { my military cable to &ward emo .. 828 Oshkosh, Wis _________ _ _________ _ ____ 152 deficlency 8ppl‘0p!'l8tl0H for S¤1'\ 6), UC-. _ _ Peoria Il]-0n________ _____ ___ _____ __ 9g5i wagon roadto FOIT Egbéft IPOD}.-- 122+3 Roswell, N. Mex . 543 ¥’¤¢M¤. ·$1><1~·· -- ., Same, Wash _________ _ ___________ ____ { Vslpprorzngatéznefor consul at ..·..---- ¤ ·»9~4 ~ rm , a , g’°lWk§L§§k$i5§LZZZZZ§ZZZIZZIIIIIIIIIZZ 825; . ,¤i¥r<>1>ri¤fi¤¤€<a* ¢<>¤¤¤* 8* ·-—--·---·--- ’*»*’*’2 &Oma’ WaSh_________ ________ _ ____ __ 82;;Ian Busklrk, Philip C., _ _ ___4 Tuscaloosa, A18- _" _ __ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ gg;} _ payment of Court of Clmms yudgment t0. - #4 Wa]],, wa]],, Wash ____________ _ ___,,. 82o Van H0v‘e‘¤b¢’1‘9, JOM, Cl __ _ d t t Washington, N_ C ____ _________ _ ______ wg; payment of Qourt of _ 1111118 Ju gmen 0 _60

 N. C•_-__•___________ ____ 250 8dID1D1SI!‘3t1'IX or - ----- - --·· · ---·- '