Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/175

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. _Ch. 716. 190l. 87 dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Post-Oilices and Post—Roads, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on the District of Columbia, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Foreign Relations, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Engrossed Bills, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Joint Committee on the Library, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; clerks to the committees on Naval Affairs, Census, Public Lands, Indian Affairs, to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, Public Buildings and Grounds, Agriculture and Forest ry, Education and Labor, Territories, Interstate Commerce, Public Health and National Quarantine, Private Land Claims, Patents, Coast Defenses, Privileges and Elections, Additional Accommodations for the Library of Con ress, Rules, Civil Service and Retrenchment, Enrolled Bills, GeologicaISurvey, Railroads, Pacific Railroads, Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, Philfppines, Relations with Cuba, lnteroceanic Canals, Trapsportation and Sale of Meat Products, Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, Improvement of the Mississippi River and its '1‘ributaries, Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, and clerk to conference mmority of the Senate, at two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars each; clerks to committees on Woman Suffrage, and Mines and t ¤1¤rk¤ f{>w¤<>¤¤mi¢· Mining, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; in all, one hundred °°°' °t s2' Um` and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For twenty-two clerks to committees, at one thousand eight hun- wg’<=;{¤u*gm<;y¤e:¤:> dred dollars each, tbirtymine thousand six hundred dollars. ’ y ` Orman or Snnenrurrsr-Anus mn Doonxnnrnn: For Ser eant- mg¤*¤9¤¤*;*-A¤¤·¤ at-Arms and Doorkeeper, four thousand five hundred dollars;%rorse ` and wagon for his use, four hundred and twenty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for clerk to Sergeant-at—Arms, two thousand dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars; acting assistant doorkeeper, two thousand live hundred and ninety-two dollars; three messengers, acting as assistant M~>*¢¤€°¤· doorkeepers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; forty-seven messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; two assistant messengers on the floor of the Senate, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; messenger to official reporters’ room, to be selected by the official re rters, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; messenger in chgrge of storeroom, one thousand four hundred and fort dollars; upbolsterer and locksmith, one thousand four hundred andy forty dollars; three carpenters to assist him, at nine hundred and sixty dollars each; janitor, one thousand two hundred dollars; skilled laborer, one thousand dollars; four skilled laborers, at ¤·b<>¤*¤- nine hundred dollars each; laborer in charge of private passage, eight · hundred and forty dollars; two female attendants in charge of l$d1BS’ retiring room, at seven hundred and twentv dollars eac ; two tele- mgvievhvue openhone operators, at nine hundred dollars each; telephone page, seven hundred and twenty dollars; press gallery page, seven hun red and twenty dollars; two laborers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; twenty-four laborers, at nine hundred dollars each; twenty-eight laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; sixteen pages for Pagesthe Senate Chamber, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per daly each during the session, four thousand eight hundred and forty do - lars; in all, one hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundre and sixty-four dollars. _