Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/246

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158 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 859, 860. 190-L. drawings of the said bridge and a map of the location oflthe same, giving the topography of the banks of the r1ver, the shore line at high and low water, and the direction and strength of the current at different stages, the location of any other bridge or bridges within one mile thereof, and such further information as may be required for a, satisfactory understanding of the subject; and the construction of said bridge shall not be cppimenced until the plan and location is approved b the Secretar of ar. ' Amendment ySec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby changes. reserved; and any alterations or changes that may be required by the Secretary of War in the bridge constructed under this Act shall be made by the corporation owning or controlling the same, at its own _Ti¤w of c¤¤sr¤¤¤· expense. Furthermore, if the construction of the said bridge is not mm' commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of approvaldof tpis Act, tlhe rights and privileges hereby granted shall cease an be etermine . Approved, April 5.. 1904. April 5, 1904. GHAP. 860.-An Act Granting to the Davenport Water Power Company rights to S- *1**] constructand maintain a. canal, power station, and appurtenant works in the Mississippi [Public, xo. a2.] River, in Scott County, Iowa. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Missimippi River. States of America in Congress assembled, That the assent of Congress P,R$`§}°EE${§,,,i¥Z§§§ is hereby given to the Davenport Water Power Company, a corporation ggg;g;%;*u°;g,¤t:‘;<;· created and organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, its suc- ’ i cessors and assigns, to erect, construct, operate, and maintain a canal along the north bank of the Mississippi River between Leclaire and Davenport, in Scott County, in the State of Iowa, to erect, construct, mms. operate, and maintain a power station thereon, and to project. erect, construct, operate, and maintain such dams and other works as may be necessary within said limits for the development of water power and the generation, use, and transmission there rom of electric energy and power at, iu, and upon the Rock Island Rapids of the Mississippi igmam. River: Provided, That the said canal and appurtenant works shall be ,,§,$‘,§’F"'°°°°° '““'iI so designed, constructed, and operated as not to interfere in any wa with the safe and convenient navigation of steamboats and other vessel); or of rafts and barges over the Rock Island Rapids at any sta e of water; and the expense of any reconstruction or extension of or adcgtion to existing works for the impgovernent of navigation on the said Rock Island Rapids, which may found necessary, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, on account of the construction, maintenance, or operation of the said canal and appurtenant works, shall be borne by the said company, its successors, or assigns, under conditions to be Secretary of War w rescribed by the Secretary of War: And provided _/itrther, That °”""` "m"S’ “°°‘ detailed plans for the construction and operation of the said canal and appurtenant works shall be submitted to and approved by the Secretary _ of War before the commencement of the construction of any portion of the said works; and that after the approval of the said plans no deviation therefrom shall be made without the prior a proval by the Isgysegggrjgoencwk Secretary of War of the said deviation: And promdedgfurther, That ` ’the said works and appurtenances shall be so dcsigne , constructed, and operated as not to overflow or otherwise damage the lands and other property of the United States at Rock Island Arsenal, or injure or diminish the water power of the United States at the said arsenal, or the water power of any person, firm, or cor ration having hydraulic Payment or dam- works already constructed: And provided further, That before enter- °‘” ing upon the construction of the said works, compensation shall be