Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/284

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196 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. appropriated and pay to the attorneys who have represented said Indians the following amounts, namely: James M. E. O Grady and Charles J. Maddux, jointly, the sum of forty-two thousand dollars and to VVilliam W. Anderson the sum of eight thousand dollars, which sums shall be accepted by them respectively in full payment for all services rendered the said Indians by them or by those claiming under them; S¤¤’¤¥¤· Mc- That for the purpose of making the surveys and allotments contemplated in said agreement, three thousand do lars. ¤¤>¤r ¤’A1<>¤¢s -_ cmrm n’ALnNns. l . For thirteenth of, fifteen installments of eight thousand dollars each, _ to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ‘°l· “°· *’· mm under the sixth article of agreement of March twenty-sixth, eighteen v°’·2°· ’· 1°”· pungreg and eighty-seven, patgiled byd lgf March third, eighteen un re an ninetv—one eig t ousa o s· _ ` For pay of blacksmith, carpenter, and phtysiizian, and purchase of medicines, as r the eleventh article of said agreement, three thousand five hundpried dollars; in all, eleven thousand five hundred dollars °'°"*cnows. ‘ For the twentv-third of twenty-five installments, as provided in v°l‘”' "°‘ agreement with the Crows, dated une twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior in such manner as the President may direct, thirty thousand dollars. Fw H¤¤I¤·¤¤¤¤· roar nam. rnnuns. lla V°l· ”· *’· **8* For sixteenth of twenty installments, as provided in agreement with said Indians approved F ebruarv twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eight -nine, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior for the bene- Hit; ofythedlplgians in suchmanner as the President may direct, six ` thousand 0 rs.

  • “*°'**°°* mm-· , INDIANS yr nnacxrnmtr Aenuor. h

v°l‘2°·*""“‘ For seventh of nine installments, to be disposed of as provided in . article two of the agreement with the Indians of the Blackfeet Reservation, ratified by Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Iowas. IOWAS. ` {}},’f'$‘,,_ ,0,, For interest in lieu of investment on-fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, balance. of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand five " hundred dollars, to July first, nineteen hundre and four, at five ger centum per annum, for education or other beneficial purposes, un er the direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hundred and seventy-Eve dollars. K*°l¤*P°¤*· KICKAPOOS IN KANSAS. Q'ffg*b_ ,0,9 Interest on sixty-five thousand five hundred and forty dollars and ’ninety-four cents, at five per centum per annum, for educational and other beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and four cents. This amount to enable the President of the d_;*gf;“I;*g,°·{*”·°“ United States to pay the legal representatives of one deceased Kick- ·apoo Indian (Kte-qua), the settlement of whose estate is desired under