Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/314

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226 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. CHS. 1403,1404. 1904. pay to which they may be entitled by law t0_ receive for the perform- §Q{§§°f,0, 00mm_ ance of special duty: Provided, That no detail shall be inade under the wry. provisions of this Act unless the officers and noncommissioned officers _ to be detailed are willing to accept such position: Provided further, C°mp°°s°°°°' That they shall receive no compensation from the Government other than their retired pay. ,,3§?,“,§°e§?’et°"i“°° Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War is authorized to issue at his discretion, and under proper regulations to be prescribed by him, out of ordnance and ordnance stores belonging to the Government, and which can be spared for that purpose, upon the approval of the governors of the respective States and erritories, such number of the same as ina_y B°“"· be required for military instruction and practice by such school, and the Secretary shall require a bond in each case, for double the value of the roperty, for the care and safe-keepingthereof and for the return of the same when required. E“'°°*· Sec. 4. That this Act shall take effect immediately. Approved, April 21, 1904. , AP¤'i121J9°¢· CHAP. 1404.-An Act To recognize and promote the efficiency of army [S' 2424*] chaplainsl · [Public, No. 127.] Be it macted by the Senate ¢tndHowise of R@·esentatives of the United 3,*-Igréuuu of cmp States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the President isms m. may, from time to time, select from among the chaplains of the Army ` ,,X,§’,§;mfr It 75°· any chaplains having not less than ten years’ service, in the grade of 1g5S-hs=;<é•;(¤i1ér 1122 captain, who shall have been commended as worthy of special distincp' ‘tion for exceptional eiiiciency by the regimental or district commanders with whose commands they may be serving as cha lains, approved through regular military channels, and may, with the advice and consent of the Senate, promote such regimental or artillery chaplains to be chaplains with the agrade, pay, and allowances of major; every such promotion being m e with a view to active service until the statutory age for the compulsory relinquishment thereof, exeplpt in cases of m¤¤- p ysical disability incurred in the line of duty: Provide , That the total ` number in active service so promoted shall not at any time exceed fifteen, and that the remaining chaplains shall have the grade, pay, and allowances of captain, mounted, after they shall have completed seven

 °f mw “p' }\;€M’S of service: And ]?7’O’U2•(Z€d _]qL7’t]Z6"l", That all persons who may

' ereafter be appointed as chaplains shall have the rade, pay, and allowances of iirst lieutenant, mounted. until they 51all have completed seven years of service. omcial title Sec. 2. That all officers provided for in this Act shall have a uniform designation in official address as chaplains of their respective regiments or of the Artillery Corps. Assisnmeuw. em Sec. 3. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as depriving any · chaplain of his commission in the Army, or as interfering with existing law pertaining to regimental and cor s assignments or transfers, and that nothing herein contained shall be held or construed to increase the number of chaplains, as now authorized by law, or to reduce the grade of any now serving. Repeal. Sec. 4. That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, April 21, 1904.