Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/421

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F IFTY—EIGH’I`H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1622. 1904. 333 neer’s office, at one thousand dollars; in all, fifteen thousand two hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-seven cents; ` Navy—yard, Puget Sound, Washington: One clerk, at one thousand P“g°*S°““d»W”"· two hundred dollars; one draftsman, at five dollars per diem; one messenger and janitor, at one dollar and seventy-six cents er diem, incl uding Sundays; one master of tu s, at one thousand twolhundred dollars; one copyist, at nine hundred dollars; one electrician, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one writer and telegraph operator, nine hundred dollars; one stenographer and typewriter, civil en 'neer’s office, at one thousand dollars; one writer, at nine hundred dolgrs; one messenger, at one dollar and seventy-six cents per diem, five hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-eight cents; one foreman carpenter, at four dollars and fifty cents per diem, one thousand four hundred and eight dollars and fifty cents; in all, eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-six dollars and seventy-eight cents; Naval station, San Iuan, Porto Rico: One clerk, one thousand two Sm J“““·P·R· hundred dollars; one writer, commandant’s office, nine hundred and sixty dollars; one mail messenger, four hundred and twenty dollars_; one foreman, one thousand one hundred dollars; in all, three thousand six hundred and eighty dollars; Naval station, Hawaii: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen H*"'°”· dollars and twenty-five cents per annum; one messenger, at two dollars r diem, including Sundays; in all, one thousand seven hundred and i)d)rty-seven dollars and twenty-five cents; Naval station, Cavite, Phihppine Islands: One clerk, one thousand °°'“°·*`·I· two hundred dollars; one time clerk, four hundred and eighty dollars; one writer, three hundred and sixty dollars; one messenger, two hundred and forty dollars; one messenger, one hundred and eighmdollars; one clerk, commandantfs office, seven hundred and twenty do rs; one messenger,·commandant’s office, one hundred and eighty dollars; in all, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; Naval station, Guam: One clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; G“’““· one foreman machinist, one thousand six hundred dollars; one mesieugpr grad janitor, six hundred dollars; in all, three thousand eight un re ollars; . In all, civil establishment, Bureau of Yards and Docks, one hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars and ninety-two cents, and no other fund appropriated by this Act shall be used in payment for such service. ‘ I runmc womxs, BUREAU or YARDS AND DOCKS, NAVY-YARDS AND Enlllggkruzggfmand s·rA*r1oNs, NAVAL ACADEMY, AND NEW NAVAL oBsmavAtro1zY. D.-mk,. NAvr—rAm>, Ponrsmourn, Nnw HAM;-sman: Railroad and rolling P°’”¤°¤*h·N· H- stock additions, eight thousand dollars; sewer s stems, extensions, five thousand dollars; tools for yards and docks, additional, two thousand dollars; electric plant, extensions, thirty-five thousand dollars; central heating plant, extensions, ten thousand dollars; steel—plant building, for construction and repair (to cost not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars), to complete, fifty thousand dollars; railroad and wagon scales, eight thousand dollars; electric elevators in new storehouse, eight thousand dollars; crane, hoists, and elevator for chain shed, six thousand dollars; under round conduit system, to continue, fifteen thousand dollars; to enalge the Secretary of the Navy to continue and complete his examination concerning the fresh—water Wmf ¤¤vPlY· supply at the Portsmouth Navy—Yard, directed by the Act of Jul V°‘·”·P·6”· first, nineteen hundred and two, two thousand dollars, or so much . téheijeof as may be needed; in all, one hundred and forty-nine thousand o ars.