Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/447

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l·`IF'I`Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1624. 1904. 359 elsewhere on that portion of said reservation not hereby ceded, granted. or relinquished, and not occupied by any other Indians, and should they decide not to move their improvements, then the same may be sold for their benefit, said sale to be a proved by the Secretarv of the Interior, and the cash proceeds shall be paid to the Indian nr Indians whose imtprovements shall be so sold. _ "A1rr. IV. That or the purpose of segregating the ceded lands Survey- from the diminished reservation the new boundary lines described in Article I of this agreement shall, when necessary, be properly surveyed and permanently marked in a plain and substantial manner by prominent and durable monuments, the cost of said survey to be paid y the United States.. “AR*r. V. The water from streams on that portion of the reserva- Wig; ’;“PPlY. ¤'¢· tion now sold which is necessary for irrigating land actually cultivated mv or mgimm and in use shall be reserved for the Indians now using the same so long as said Indians remain where they now live. ` "AR"r. VI. It is further agreed that a statement of all expenditures £g{fl§;g§° °f 6** under the various provisions of this agreement shall be sent to the P " agent of the Crow Indians twice a year, or at such times as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, showing the amounts expended and the balance remaining on hand in each of the several funds. . “ ART. VII. The existing provisions of all former treaties with the m§§}§£;§ "°"‘*““ Crow tribe of Indians not inconsistent with the provisions of this_ agreement are hereby continued in force and effect, and all provisions . thereof inconsistent erewith are hereby repealed. _ “Ama VIII. The right to take out water upon the diminished reser- 0,,UI*§‘j,§§ §§{(§";§,f£§l’ vatiou subject to any prior claim of the Indians thereto by reason of previous appropriation, and the right to construct, maintain, and operate dams, Humes, and canals upon and across the said diminished reservation for the purpose of irrigatin lands within any portion of the ceded tract are hereby granted, such rights to be exercised by persons. companies, or corporations under such rules, regulations, and requirements as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. "AnT. IX. This agreement shall take etfect and be in force when Emecr. accepted and ratified by the Congress of the United States.`" Sec. 2. That the said agreement be, and the same is hereby, accepted. R*‘“““**“°¤· ratified. and confirmed. as herein amended. Sec. 3. That for the purpose of surveying and marking so much of S“"’**>’*· the boundary line of the tract ceded and relinquished by the Indians as may be necessary to segregate the same from the lands reserved by Suprathem, as provided in article four of said agreement, the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessar , be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in tile Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. for the completion of the survey and subdivision of said ceded lands. the same to be reimbursed out of the iirst moneys to be received from the sale of said lands. AH Y Sec. 4. That the Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs shall cause allot- °m°°tB' ments to be made. in manner and quantity as provided by existing law, of the lands occupied and cultivated by any Indians on the portion of _ the reservation by said agreement ceded and relinquished, as required ‘""" p' 3* by article three thereof: and where such Indian occupants elect to remove to the diminished reservation he shall cause a schedule to be prepared showing the names of such occupants, the descriptions of the _ an s, and the character of the im rovements thereon. Such improve- m§§{§_ °f "“*"°"°‘ ments shall then be appraised and) sold under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior to the highest bidder, no sale to be for less than the appraised value, the proceeds to be paid to the respective Indian