Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/449

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FIFTYYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1624. 1904. 36] shall be four dollars per acre, when entered under the homestead laws, · to be paid as follows: One dollar per acre when entry is made, and the remainder in four equal annual installments, the first to be paid at the end of the second year. In addition to the price to be paid for the land, the entryman shall pay the same fees an commissions at the time of commutation or final entry as now provided by law where the price of the land is one dollar and twenty-Eve cents per acre. ‘ Lands entered under the town-site and mineral-land laws shall be '1‘<>w¤~¤iw and minpaid for in amoimt and manner as rovided by said laws, but in no °"l 1°°°°` event at aless price than that fixed herein for such lands, if entered under the homestead laws, and in case any entryman fails to make such deferred pa ments, or any of them, promptly when due, all rights in and to the hind covered by his or her entry shall at once cease, and F°"‘°““’°· any payments theretofore made shall be forfeited, and the entry shall be held for cancellation and canceled: Provided, That the lands embraced within such canceled entry shall., after cancellation of such entry, be subject to entry under the provisions of the homestead law at four 1>»pm»S. dollars er acre until otherwise directed by the President, as herein ,,,,1;§§§ °f °"“°°1f*° 'provided : And provided, That nothing in this Act shall prevent home- °°m¤¤*¤°i¤¤- stead settlers from commuting their entries under section twenty-three R. s.,se¤. zsoi, p. 421 hundred and one, Revised Statutes, by paying for the land entered the ` price fixed herein, receiving credit for payments previously made, except as to lands entered under said reclamation Act: And provided ' flirt er, That when, in the judgment of the President, no more of the ,,,f,"{f_f’§_“‘ °* ’°’”°*“‘ land herein ceded can be disposed of at said price, he may by proclamation, to be repeated at his discretion, sell from time to time the remaininglland subject to the provisions of the homestead law or otherwise as e may deem most advantageous, at such price or prices, in such manner, upon such conditions, with such restrictions, and upon such terms as he may deem best for all the interests concerned. Sec. 6. That the proceeds received from the sale of said lands in Di¤x>¤=¤1¤fpr¤c¤¤ds. conformity with this Act shall be dpaid into the Treasury of the United States, and paid to the Crow In ians or expended on their account onlv as provided in article two of said agreement as herein amended. No lands in sections sixteen and thirtv-six now occu ied, as set forth cuiggggggégeu vi gi in article three of the agreement herein ratiiied, or witihdrawn for irri— mircumm. mn gntion under the provisions of said reclamation Act, shall he reserved (,‘§{f·8§,· or school purposes, but the State of Montana shall be entitled to indemnity for an * lands so occupied; and the governor of said State, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized in the tract herein ceded to locate other lands not occupied or withdrawn, which shall be aid for by the United States, as herein dprovided, in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be ma e prior to the opening of such lands to settlement, but no selection shall be made by the State of the lands herein ceded except to compensate for losses occurring therein. S1·:c. 7 . That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the még(grypl:g;¤¤¤ for Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ninety thousand dol- ' lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. to pay the said Indians, at the rate of one dollar and twentyfive cents per acre, for the lands granted to the State of Montana as provided in section live of this Act. -4*% P- 36** Sec. 8. That nothing in this Act contained shall in any manner bind ggtdtoswlifjcbilgg the United States to purchase any portion of the land herein described, 1¤¤us,e:¤. p except sections sixteen and thirty-six or the equivalent in each township, or to dispose of said land except as provided herein, or to guar- ` antee to find purchasers for said lands or any portion thereof, it being the intention of this Act that the United States shall act as trustee for