Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/729

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642 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. ian on Sundays and legal holidays, two thousand eight hundred dollars. ‘ G¢¤¤¤¤1¤¤1>¤¤¤¤¤- For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous supplies, electric and . steam apparatus, reference books, stationery, and all incidental expenses in connection with the custody, care, and maintenance of said buildin and grounds, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. hmm"- For firuiture, includiu partitions, screens, shelving, and electrical work pertaining thereto, Porty thousand dollars. ’°“"“°°""°“· BOTANIC GARDEN. S“P°““"°““°'"·°‘°· For superintendent, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For assistants and laborers, under the direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress, twelve thousand five hundred and niuety-three Rc 1 d I do£`lars and seventy-five cents.] t 1 f I h _ t h b I P*," ‘“ '”‘ or rocuring manure, sor oo s, ue , urc asiug rees, s ru s, um . plants, hud seeds; and for serdices, material;, and miscellaneous sup- ` plies, and contingent e uses in connection with rezpairs and improvements to Botanic Gafdgus, under direction of e Joint Library Committee of Congress, five thousand dollars. · E’°°“""'" EXECUTIVE. Pr*é•£,¤éP,j}¤¤¤°¤°**h° For compensation of the President of the United States, fifty ` thousand dollars. V$gP,:d¤g*€*;Q¤“*h° For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, from ° and including March fourth, nineteen hundred and five, ten thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars aud twenty-two cents. €,§§°,'{,'§i,Yf_°l,‘§f,"{;,- For compensationto the followin in the office of the President of

    • ¤**· °*°- the United States: Secretar , five tllousand dollars; two assistant secretaries, at three thousand diollars each; executive clerk, two thousand

five hundred dollars; executive clerk and disbursing officer, two thousand dollars; six clerks, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four; one clerk of class four, who shall be a telegrapher; four clerks of class three; one clerk of class two; steward, one thousand eight hundreddollars; chief doorkeeper, one thousand eiglht hundred do lars; eight doorkeepers, at one thousand two hundred ollars each; four messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; tive messengers, at nine hundred dollars each; watchman, nine hundred dollars; one iireman; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars: laborer, six _ hundred dollars;in all, sixty-six thousand one hundred and forty dollars: hziihhsempitym, Pw·m.·Jded, That em loyees of the Executive Departments and other establishments of the executive branch of the Government may be detailed from time to time to the office of the President of the United States, for such temporary assistance as may be necessary. °°”““¤°°°°*P°”°'· For contingent expenses of the Executive Office, including stationery therefor, as well as record books, telegrams, telephones, books for library, furniture and carpets for offices, care of office carriages, horses, and harness, and miscellaneous items, to berexpended in the discretion of the President, eighteen thousand dollars. ..,§£:,£.F‘°"'“ °°'”‘ CIVIL snnviom comussion. ¤.llK¤°$§?;€¤°i'°”' °x’ For three Commisioners, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; chief examiner, thr·ee thousand dollars; secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant chief examiner. two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; law clerk, two thousand dollars: two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; eight clerks of class four; thirteen clerks of class three: sixteen clerks of class two: thirty-two