Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1105

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INDEX. 2401 Barry, 1W11am A-. P¤z¤· Battle creek, Mich., pm. payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 753 appro riation for public building . 453, 1156 Bartlcson, Annu. L. (widow), Battle Pings, 1191181011 ----------·-------.. . ... 1845 return of. Union and Confederate, to the Bartlett, Jolm, States directed ..__. _ ..,.,._____,___ 1284 pension increased ... 1830 Battle Mountain Semimrium, Hot Springs, S. Bartlett Lake Mun. Dak., island iu, érantedlto Minnesota for public appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- $3*]; and forest ygggrvg ____________ 1001 diem' Home ___________________ 504, 1204 Bartlett, ary J (unklaw), Battle Ships, pension increased ... 1826 construction of one 16,000-ton, authorized; Bartlett, Oqcar E, cost . . 350 pension increased ... 1671 of two16,000-ton, authorized; cost, atc_ 1116 Bartlett, Wiliam, Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve, Colo., payment of {much Fpoliatiou claim to ad- l boundaries 1HBodiHed _,,,____, , ,_____ Q_·_ _ 2359 minis rator o 797 l ded lan open to out ...____,,_., 2360 Bartley, Samuel B., Bseighgr, Aw S., ry pension increased _,,__,__,,...__,_...,,. 1793 out of Court of Claims jud ont, to , P¤Y111 _ , gm Bartley, Symphorosa (widow), administrator of ____,,,,,_________ 772 Bapensiou increajipd .,,,,,,,,,. 1714 Baughey, Laura A. (widow), rtlow Luther ., · . pension 1931 pension i¤CI'¤l¤€d ... - - . . 1822 Baughmem, George E., Bartmarm, John, payment of Court of Claims judgment to pension 1518 widow 0 ... -. 765

    • 1.101
      .5m, m B··"g’·<“"=’.6d"""· 1..9

... penmon in -- . Bam"' RL To rt row 11 767 Bmw IM“ui‘bWnV‘i’mu agm paymen p ou 0 rms ju gment to., payment 0 0\l 0 ms ju eutto Barrow, Plrdo S., ‘ _ miswes of ,,,,____ 775 pension increased ... 1762 Bay Ridge Olumnel, _N K, Bm-tram, Rcubin W,appropriation for improvement lo; . 493, 1194 pension increased ... 1611 preliminary examination o ,to made. - 1153 Bash, Henry, Bayard, Ursula (daughter), payment to . 800 pension . .. - 1853 Bashford, A. P. Bayles, Aaron, payment of éourt of Claims judgment to pension increased ... 1613 widow of ...,. 760 Bayou Bareholmncw, La. and Ark., Bashar, Christian, appropriation for imdprovement of 1130 puyme;13 of Court of glaims judgment to Bayou (Jamey, an Ark., { ministrator o. .. "67 a ro `ation or improvement o 1130 Basle, Switzerland, I Bagan}; lljlljirbvnne, and Ark., appropriation for consul at .. 73, 921 appro riatiou for lmprovement of 1130 Barnett, Willmm, V Bayou iufourchc IA., · . Bmjo; igcreased ..,,,,,,... 1689 time oiigwnoed for removing temporary 588 an . ., m in . .. payment of Court of Claims judgment to Bayml [4,,,,,;,, Lan "€d°" 9* --···-----------~—-·-·--- 749 bridge authorized across 722 Bassett, Olwc (wndow), Bayou Mmm, Lau P°¤§i0¤ ------·--~·--·----·-·--·-------· 1540 appropriation for improvement of 1130 B<1'¢11`1% ·’{”'*!» ‘ bridge authorized across 842 appropriation for consul at .. 77, 924 Ba!/nu Ma,,,_.;,ac’ La., · Bam and D¢’8P*”d» ‘ appro riation for improvement of 1129 Chim for refund of duty on steel blooms, Bayou ggiaqwmim, Ln.,

  • 1'€f9U`€d V2 Court Of Claims •-·----- 809 A appropriation for improvement of; con-

Bateg, Belen M. (widow), E tracts ______ _ ________________ _ ____ 1129 B*,f“°‘,‘}" "‘°f.,°‘}’[°‘{".=d,,,".‘g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1369 i Bayou Term L<··· , ktéoirfgg ‘ 1E____,;-----.------.-- 1894 appropriation for unprovement of; resur- Brrumzze, Ark., é )°Y fi ·········‘ · ···· · ············ 1*29 appropriation for public building .,,,. 453, 1156 BG!/0*11 l¢’{m1_l"m» L9-1 Bath, Men g appmgmhon for xmprovement of 1129 appropriation for enforcing anchorage g B¢¤•‘h._ P1}'? L-» mgumaons, Kennebec River 460, 1164 » p¤¤S¤¤¤_¤¤;·=¤¤**d -·-·--—--- — -·———------- 1431 Bathing Beach D C Q Beach, William _ appropriatmn for expenses . 374, S90 3 Bg’°?°?1°_?;;°r°a ‘`°°‘ 16*9 deiidiency appropriation for expenses. . 398, 1221 I “"°‘ 1 ”. · waged 1394 Bqlione lbminifk B. 1 pension mc```````'````````' • # . . = Beals Charles 11, payment of Qourt of Claims Judgment to _ g Pmisiou increased _______________________ 1914 admimstratnx or . :57 1 Bum Lewis L Bauery E, Fourthk Limited States Artillery, 3 peéajon iucréased __________________ _ ____ 1488 appropriation or monument to, etc., at 1 B l _ _] pn G•‘=f1y¤b¤1‘z b¤11»l¤6<>1d ------------~ 980 1 gigonfiingmd ... 1816 Battle Oreck, Cal., l Beattie, Charlcx, appropriation for fish hatchery .. 1181 pension increased .. . 1304