Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1118

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2414 1NDEx. Qzmpbell, Allen, P¤8¢· Canton, Cfzinq, _ l""‘°· pension increased _,,,____,_._,,. 1602 approprmtmxl for (‘()[`|§|ll·g(*l']0l‘8,l at ., L3, 92l Campbell, Frazie A., ur derk lun- :8, 926 pension increased ... 1760 (hnlun, Ky., _ Campbell, Henry E. W.,bridge authonzul nvm-.¤ Cumberland pension increased ... 1638 River at ..,_,.,,,,_, _ ,,...,... 1046 Campbell, Rosnline V. (widow), · Canlrm, S. Dak., _ pension increased ..,_...,...,,..,,.. 1672 appropriation: for asylum for msanc In- Gnmpbell, Jzmea, 1 diana ,__,,__ ._ _: _______________ 207, 1063 pension increlsssed ...,,..,.., 1969 { deficiency a;?>r3p¤ation for asylum for H Chmpbell Joaep ; insane n uma ... ‘ 37 puyméu of F1:ench spoliation claim to ad- § Oantwell, Benion. ministrator of 800 [ pension increased ... 4. . . 2005 Lhmpbell, Laura E. (widmu), Cape ('harIs·:_(Q'it%, Tin., f h be 1123 pension increased ,.. 1860 £ appropria 1011 or 1mprovcment 0 sr r. Campbell, Mary E. (widmr), Cape Fear River, N CI, · pension increased ... 1994 appropriation for improvement of, above Cbmpbell, William S., · Wilmington ...,.. 1125 pension increased . Q 1433 below Wilmington; contracts 1125 Oanamo, P. L, for lighting 469,1173 appropriation for completing naval hos- ~ Oapc Fear, N. (X, Ou ad pital . 340 a.ppr0;;_riation éor quarantine station, inn a, actions ospntal .. 458 appropriation for markigg, ctc., boundary E Cape Girardeau, Mo., bctwgcn Alaska a ... 1211 j terms of court at 6:27 for markmg, ctg., boundary with, west Cape Haitian, Haiti, _ of the IQ . 505, 1211 t appropriation for consul at .,..,,.., 77, 924 dcticrency afproggation for marking, ctc., ; Mpc Ilaltmu, N. C, boun ary tween Als.ska_am . 15 { appropriation for telegraph line from Norpoml convention, as to certmn news- folk, Vg __________________________ 279 PGDGPS, 0*0 ·-··.-·..-. 2275 construction of light-house on Diamond Uanadigm PM;/iv Railway Company,Shoal; condntious . 561 deiicnency apmwon for maintenance terms for lighthouse, Diamond Shoal, 13053611:0 Chinese ... 1244 { C Loomoditied .,,,,.,,,_,,,,,_____, 1266 _ oa , . eam, _ _ ape kout, N. C2 · subycct to steamboat inspection require- appropriation for ilight-house, dwelling... 467 ments ... 1029 Cape May, N. J., Chnul, Islhgnian, prelimina examination to be made of [rgggy wgth Papmng for ________ __ _______ 2234 ‘ Inlet ____ _ ____________ 1153 Canal lrme, Cbpc Pmpoiu, c., possession and occupation authorized 429 { prclimmary examination of harbor to hc terntnryj rqcluded-, . -: . ._ .. - - - . 429 made 1151 BPPYOILHBKIOD for ]unsd1ction, etc., ceded I Cape $2171 Bleu, Fla., YP¤¤¤m¤ ---·----·---··---... --- 429} a 't' f 1‘ht-h , ti · temp0rs;r€;1g0{;egut(;t1lc§xt vested in President pprolzlrgeiggich - ?t1T.?T?Ti . 467 _ 0 e m · tates .. 429 Ca S mz 1; 4,31 ma-0, deficnency appropriation for expenses of fgprggriatiof for cgntribution to ... 70,918 Commxsswn; raappropriutwu .. 1246 Cape Twvn, Africa, 200dB 8F1d PGYSQHH from, subgect to laws up mpriatiou for consul-general at .. 73,921 ¤ff<>¢¤¤3g lmwrw, etc., rom foreign gr clerk him _,__________________ 78, 925 , , muntn? -·-- · -·-------------·- . - · 843 , for contribution to foreign hospital , _ _ 79, 927 (·*”**"¤"¢ 3**15 A- Y, I Cape Vincent, M li, ¤ppr0prl¤tmn for nmprovement of 1120 I appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1121 Chnrding Hnrhivaes, Prmlal Srrricc, C“Pu°l• appropriation for ..,.,,,,,,_,. , ,,____ 434,1087 ¤PP¤'0PI'i¤¢i0¤ {01: Péptifv. Ph: . 479, 1182 d<~Hci¢·m·y appropriation for .,,,,, 37, 1239,1255 g rcuppreprinhon . , ,_____ 479 ¢ hndcr, Drmigl M., for {kB'?-_ --·----·-- · ·-·--·-- · ·---.. 479, HB3 pension increased .,.,, . ,,,_,,_,_________ 17m I f"’ °l‘·’P“m8,W9’k’* of Wt ----··----- 479. H83

M »»·.. ‘¤2a§¥:.°;#.Iz*w;;:·.·s,;.mf2,****¤·‘m-· HSE

' I . n i .’n ’ ,| ’ / · · ’'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · nm °}[:;m“’k° W wr- " \ °°h*t""'°" IHS for niawtlmutxng, hghtmg, and power . '``'``''`''’ ""' PMI -·-·-·-··-· · --·-.. 4791183 (MM". Henry to su l ll · IH l il lin ‘- ' pnyxneg; glaimn judgment to 768  ?..)tl..‘...$’.??l. 470 -·-····--- · -·-· .- ; , (‘0l'l me- 1;, 9 (·___ ______ _ _________ 4-;, (bnnmn, Ilan. Joseph ({.2 l A M Igvaiion; railroad giding _______ _ ____ MQ;) made mcpxbvr of jmnt commmsum on ‘ vzht nf WHY Y*>\‘¤11¤i¤H. Hllbwuys, Mc. 480 Cuprwlextensicn . 481 . ¤¤¤<>¤r¤cr»t for cermiuml-smi¤m tumml _ 4m (;qm,w.,,’ Lu"," W, . fog extension of building .,,,____ _ _____ 43] pension incl-eyed ___________ _ ___________ 1g0G I 101flt frommission created _________ _ __ 4g] g,,.,,,,,,,,, p,,;,.;,,]:, Sl’·9¤» 6V!-, to b€}’€P0!'U8d to Congress- 481 pgngigu fncrggged _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ugm S¤p§r3¤te¤d§nt of _|Dg8l1 r0uu s ...,____ ____ 431 Cagggsgbgygggnrgsié 1609 Sqpplying vaumcws ou Commisionu 482 ‘'··· • •·•······ · ··-·-~ • {Of Improving grounds _ _ ____ _ ______ 482, 1183